From: Fred & Grace Hatton Message: 11950 Date: 2011-09-09
Svá sagði hlutr til, at Lúkr skyldi sitja hjá jarlsdóttur um kveldit. Hon
gekk umb gólf ok skemmti
So (the) lot said that Luke should sit near (the) earl’s daughter during the
evening. She walked about (the) room and amused herself.
sér. Lúkr stóð upp ok gekk til rúms þess, es dóttir jarlsins hafði setit umb
daginn. En es menn
Luke stood up and went to this room, where the earl’s daughter had sat
during the day. But when people
skipuðusk í sæti sín, þá gekk jarlsdóttir at rúmi sínu. Hon kvað:
arranged themselves in their seats, then (the) earl’s daughter went to her
room (or space?). She said,
Hvat skaltu, sveinn, í sess minn?
What do you seek? ( Like German? -Was willst du?) in my seat
þvít þú sjaldan hefr gefnar
?? you have seldom given
vargi varmar bráðir,
to a wolf corpses of the newly slain
vesa vilk ein of mína ;
I want to be alone by myself?
sátt-a-þú hrafn í hausti
you haven’t seen a raven in fall
of hræsolli gjalla,
of carrion-swill to shout
vast-a-þú at, þars eggjar
you are not that (one who?), eggs on there
á skelþunnar runnusk.
attack on thin shelled (skulls).
Lúkr tók til hennar ok setti hana niðr hjá sér. Hann kvað:
Luke picked her up? and set her down near him. He said,
Farit hefk blóðgum brandi,
I have gone with bloody sword-blade
svát mér benþiðurr fylgði,
so that to me carrion bird-wounds followed,
ok gjallanda geiri;
and with screaming spear,
gangr vas harðr af víkingum;
going was hard for Vikings
gørðum reiðir róstu,
angry (we?) made a brawl
rann eldr of sjot manna,
fire ran from people’s homes,