From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11909
Date: 2011-08-05
> Þá heyrðu Þrípíó ok Artú stór óp, fyr því at þeir fengi<Kom fyr> is indeed 'happened, occurred'.
> heyrt allt þat es kom fyr í nánd ins galdraða atgeirs.
> Then 3PO and R2 heard a great shout, because they were
> able to hear all that that came over near to the enchanted
> halberd. (Z. nánd - koma í n. (or í nándir) e-u, to come
> near to)
> Then 3PO and R2 heard loud shouting, for this reason that
> they were able to hear all that which happened in the
> neighborhood of the enchanted spear.
> "Heyrðu þau!" ...Rob: <Heyrðu> does contain the pronoun 'you', but it's an
> "You hear!" ...
> “Listen to them!” ...
> Ok mér es at kenna!In Zoëga it's (Z4), <kenna e-m e-t> 'to lay to one's charge,
> And this is my fault! (I didn't find anything in Z. that
> matched this meaning, but modern Icelandic has "þetta var
> mér að kenna - this was my fault")
> And (it) is brought home to me! (CV III 2)
> En Þrípíó ok Artú vǭru eigi hvar þeir vǭru áðr staðnirIt's 'sacks'. We know from this bit back in Ch. 29:
> meðal sekka hjá búlkanum, því at Stormhermenn vǭru þagat
> komnir ok hǫfðu ina tvá brœðr fundna.
> But 3PO and R2 were not where they were before standing
> among sacks near the cargo (búlkanum is actually plural),
> because Storm Troopers had come to that place and
> discovered the two brothers.
> But 3PO and R2 were not where they were standing before
> between (the) truss near the cargo, because Stormtroopers
> had come thither and had found the two brothers.
> Þrípíó sagði þeim, at þeir Artú væri menn Falfaðins<Fingnir> is 'captured', as Grace has it; it's the masculine
> konungs fingnir af þessum íslenzkum mǫnnum, ...
> 3PO told them, that they, R2 (and he) were King
> Palpatine's men (fingnir = fangir (prisoners)?) of these
> Icelandic men, ...
> 3PO told them that they, (he and) R2 were King Palpatine’s
> men captured by these Icelandic men, ...
> Stormhermenninir trúðu orðum hans, en hǫfðu þá Artú borna(That's actually <borne>; <born> is a different verb, though
> ...
> The Storm Troopers believed his words, but they had R2
> born (that is, taken) ...
> The stormtroopers believed his words, but had them R2 (andGrace is right about <þá> being 'when'; <es/er> is sometimes
> 3PO) taken ...
> En því at Artú hafði Falfaðni konungi ok Veiðri hjǭlpuðum
> þá þeir gørðu Dauðastjǫrnu, vissi hann, at Veiðr risti
> rúnar á tǭlkn, ok vissi hann hvar þessi vǭru, folgin í
> veggi nekkverjum.
> But because R2 had helped King Palpatine and Vader they
> they built the Death Star, (they) knew him, that Vader
> carved runes on a whale bone, and he knew where this was,
> hidden in some wall.
> But because R2 had helped King Palpatine and Vader then
> (when?) they made Death Star, he knew that Vader carved
> runes on a whale bone and he knew where these were, hidden
> in some way.
> "Fær Artú stǫðvuð ǫll athaldsgaldraljóð á harkabátinum?"Yes, in the neuter nom./acc. plural.
> spyrr Lúkr Þrípíó.
> "Is R2 able to stop all constraining-magic-charms on the
> garbage ship?" Luke asks 3PO. (assumption: stǫðvuð = pp of
> stöðva)
> “R2, are you able to stop all the restraining magic spellSince CV has <sérstakr> 'isolated, particular, apart',
> on the garbage boat?” Luke asks 3PO.
> En Artú segir Þrípíó, "Ek fæ stǫðvuð ǫll galdraljóð á
> harkabátinum, en eigi athaldsgaldraljóð sérstaklega."
> But R2 tells 3PO, "I am able to stop all magic charms on
> the garbage boat, but not a self-holding (?)
> constraining-magic-charm."
> And R2 tells 3PO, “I am able to stop all (the) magic spell
> on the garbage boat, but not the restraining spell
> specifically??”
> ... byrjuðu ...'Began'.
> ... begin ...
> ... began ...
> Nú es at segja frá því, at Víga-Óbívan Kvæggansson fann'Met' and 'found' are both possible, but in the absence of
> Veiði-Anakin á Dauðastjǫrnu.
> Now it is to tell concerning that, that Slayer Obiwan, son
> of Kvaeggan, met Vader Anakin on the Death Star.
> Now is to tell of it that Slayer Obiwan Kvaeggan’s son
> found Vader Anakin on Death Star.