From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11897
Date: 2011-07-28
> Þá mælti Hallbjörn: "Ekki var oss það tímadagur er vérRob's right about 'we kinsmen': H. is referring to himself
> frændur komum á Kambsnes þetta til móts við Þorleik.
> Then Hallbjorn said: "That was not a day of bliss (for) us
> when we kinsmen came to Combs-ness this to a meeting with
> Thorleik.
> Then Hallbjorn spoke, “It was not a day of bliss for us
> when we, kinsman, came to this Kambsness to meet with
> Thorleik.
> Það mæli eg um," segir hann, "að Þorleikur eigi þar fá<Mæli> is subjunctive, and <mæla um> is 'to use an
> skemmtanardaga héðan í frá og öllum verði þungbýlt þeim
> sem í hans rúm setjast."
> I would say concerning that," he says, "that Thorleik
> didn't get there a day of enjoyment hence from (it) and
> all had troublesome neighbors, they who were set in his
> place." (Z. þung-býlt - e-m verðr -býlt, one has
> troublesome neighbours
> I say it regarding,” says he, “that Thorleik does not get
> days of enjoyment henceforward there and (he will) have
> troubles with his neighbors from all those who settled in
> his area.”
> Litlu síðar fer Hrútur á fund Ólafs frænda síns og segirRob: You'll find a number of related constructions with <svá
> honum að hann vill eigi hafa svo búið við Þorleik og bað
> hann fá sér menn til að sækja heim Þorleik.
> A little later Hrut goes to meet Olaf his kinsman and
> tells him that he will not have so resided with Thorleik
> and asked him (to) get himself men to seek Thorleik at
> home.
> A little later Hrut goes to a meeting with Olaf, his
> kinsman, and tells him that he will not have matters stand
> thus with Thorleik and bade him give him men to visit
> Thorleik at home.
> Ólafur svarar: "Þetta samir eigi að þér frændur leggistRob's mostly got it: 'This is not fitting, that you kinsmen
> hendur á.
> Olaf answers" This doesn't befit that you (and your)
> relative lay hands on one another.
> Olaf answers, “This does not suit, kinsman, that you have
> a hand in (this)?
> Hefir þetta tekist ógiftusamlega Þorleiki til handar.<Þorleiki> does indeed appear to be a dative of respect
> Has been taken inauspiciously into Thorleik's hands (?).
> This evil boding has taken place on Thorleik’s hands.
> Viljum vér heldur leita um sættir með ykkur.I agree with Grace.
> We would rather try to get a reconciler with you two.
> We want rather to seek reconciliation between you.
> Hefir þú oft þíns hluta beðið vel og lengi."Here I think that <hlutr> is 'share, what is due one': 'You
> You have often waited for your case well and long."
> You have often waited well and long for your part.”
> Hrútur segir: "Ekki er slíks að leita.'Such is not to be sought'; see <vera> (Z6) for the
> Hrut says: "Such is not to try.
> Hrut says, “Such is not (what I choose) to seek.
> Aldrei mun um heilt með okkur gróa og það mundi eg viljaI'm with Rob here: <byggjum> is the verb, <við> the dual
> að eigi byggjum við báðir lengi í Laxárdal héðan í frá."
> We will never be reconciled and I would want that, that we
> don't both live long in Laxardal from now on. (Z. gróa 3 -
> g. um heilt, to be quite healed; fig. to be reconciled
> (grœr um heilt með þeim))
> Never will healing grow between us and I would want that
> no settlement with both long(er) in Salmon River Dale
> henceforward.”
> Ólafur svarar: "Eigi mun þér það verða hlýðisamt að gangaRob: <á hendr> 'against' is a little less than halfway down
> framar á hendur Þorleiki en mitt leyfi er til.
> Olaf answeres: "That will not become suitable to you to go
> further to Thorleik's hands than is my permission to
> (this).
> Olaf answers, “It will not become suitable for you to go
> further against Thorleik but which is allowed by me to.
> En ef þú gerir það þá er eigi ólíklegt að mæti dalurI did a bit of digging on that last bit, and there seems to
> hóli."
> And if you do that then (it) is not unlikely that dale
> would meet hill (more colloquially, mountains would be
> moved)." (c CV dalr - the proverbial saying, láta dal mæta
> hóli, let dale meet hill)
> But if you do do it then is not unlikely that dale meets
> hill.”
> Hrútur þykist nú skilja að fast mun fyrir vera, fer heimCV s.v. <fastr> has <e-t er fast fyrir> 'a thing is hard to
> og líkar stórilla.
> It seems to Hrut now to firmly part will be over (?), goes
> home and he doesn't like it big time.
> Og er kyrrt að kalla.CV is a little clearer on <at kalla>, glossing it 'so to
> And it is quiet, so to say. (Z. kalla 3 - at kalla, so to
> say)
> Hann bjó í Hundadal.In principle it could be 'hounds' valley', <hunda> being the
> He lived in Hundadal (dog valley?).
> He lived in Hunda Dale.
> Það varð til nýlundu um sumarið í Hundadal að fé nytjaðistNear as I can tell, something must be both new and strange
> illa en kona gætti fjár þar.
> That came forth to do a novelty during the summer in
> Hundadale that the cattle gave milk poorly and a woman
> took care of the cattle there.
> It happened as a curiousity? during the summer in Hunda
> Dale that the livestock gave little milk, and a woman
> watched (the) livestock there.
> Það fundu menn að hún varð gripaauðig og hún var löngumAlthough <varð> is a simple past tense, the sense seems to
> horfin svo að menn vissu eigi hvar hún var.
> Men found that, that she was rich in precious things and
> she was mostly abandoned so that people didn't know where
> she was.
> People found that she became rich in valuables and she was
> missing for long so that people knew not where she was.
> Þórður bóndi lætur henni nauðga til sagna og er hún verður<Sagna> is the gen. plur. of <sögn> 'tale, story, report',
> hrædd þá segir hún að maður kemur til fundar við hana, "sá
> er mikill," segir hún, "og sýnist mér vænlegur."
> Farmer Thord causes her to confess by torture and when she
> becomes afraid, then she says that a come comes to meet
> with her, "he is big," she says, "and seems to me
> promising."
> Farmer Thord has her forced to tell and when she becomes
> afraid then she tells that a man comes to meet with her,
> “that one is large,” says she, “ and seems to me
> promising.”
> Þá spyr Þórður hversu brátt sá maður mundi koma til fundarI'm with Rob: I think that the context pretty clearly
> við hana.
> Then Thord asks how soon that man would come to meet her.
> Then Thord learns how soon that man would come to meet
> with her.
> Hún kvaðst vænta að það mundi brátt vera.But here Grace has it.
> She stated for herself to give hope that that would be
> soon.
> She said she expected that it would be soon.
> Eftir þetta fer Þórður á fund Ólafs og segir honum aðThis is <mun> 'must': 'and tells him that Stígandi must not
> Stígandi mun eigi langt þaðan í brott, biður hann til fara
> með sína menn og ná honum.
> After this Thord goes to meet Olaf and tells him that
> Stigand will not long from there (be) away, asks him to go
> with his men and get hold of him.
> After that Thord goes to a meeting with Olaf and tells him
> that Stigandi will not (be?) far away from there, invites
> him to go with his men and catch him.
> Ólafur bregður við skjótt og fer í Hundadal.Rob's right about the tense of <bregður>.
> Olaf starts off at once and goes to Hundadal.
> Olaf set off without delay and goes to Hunda Dale.
> Er þá ambáttin heimt til tals við hann.I think that it's <heimta> 'brought back' (Z2): 'Then the
> When the concubine asks for an interview (i.e., to talk)
> with him. (Z. heimta 3 - h. e-n á tal við sik, to ask for
> an interview with one)
> Then the concubine returns? to talk with him.
> Spyr þá Ólafur hvar bæli Stíganda væri.Grace: It's <bœli> 'den, lair; farm, dwelling'. It was
> Olaf then asks where Stigandi's lair would be.
> Olaf asks then where ?? Stigandi is.
> Ólafur bauð að kaupa að henni ef hún kæmi Stíganda í færi<Kæmi> is (unsurprisingly) subjunctive after <ef> 'if', and
> við þá.
> Olaf asked to make an agreement with her if she makes
> Stigandi come in few with them.
> Olaf offered to bargain with her if she brought them an
> opportunity to attack? Stigandi.