From: Fred & Grace Hatton Message: 11812 Date: 2011-06-02
“Engi vǭpn… en yfrit margar gersimar?” segir Tarkinn ok hóf upp brún, “Ja,
ek ætla at menninir
“No weapons … but enough very great treasures?” says Tarkinn and raised his
eyebrows, “Yes, I expect that the men
møni gleðjask í því at fyrsta prófit hersins Dauðastjǫrnu sé svá
auðvellilegt, ok møni enn svá
will become happy at (it) because (the) first test of Deathstar’s army be
so easy, and will yet so
auðgask þá. En ef þú nefnir borg þá, es heldr hermǫnnum þeim es mennina
Falfaðins prófaði í
enrich them. But if you name that town which holds those warriors who
tested Palpatines men in
raun ok veru ok heiðri, þá monum vér sigla þagat í staðinn Aldiranborgar.”
experience and men?? and honour, then we will sail thither instead of
En Leia þagði.
But Leia was silent.
“Mér leiðisk þat at spyrja eptir þessu sama máli, ok fyr því es þetta it
síðasta sinn,” segir Tarkinn
“I am tired of asking for the same matter, and for this reason is this the
last time,” says Tarkinn
Stórmofsjarl, “Hvar es ey sú, þar es þeir sem standa í mot Falfaðni konungi
eru vanir at samnask?”
Earl Stormof, “Where is that island, where those who stand against King
Palpatine are accustomed to assemble?”
“Á Dantúíney,” segir Leia, “Þeir eru á Dantúíney á Hjaltlandi.”
“At Dantuine Island,” says Leia, “They are at Dantuine Island in Hjaltland.”
“Einfald vas þat, Veiðr,” kvað Tarkinn, “Hon talaði jafnvel ǭn píning. Sendu
mennina í land.”
“That was simple, Vader,” said Tarkinn, “She spoke just as well without
torture. Send the men on land.”
“Hvat?” kvað Leia konungsdóttir.
“What?” said Leia daughter of the king.
“Oflega trúmikil ertu, Leia konungsdóttir,” segir Tarkinn, “Sem Aldiranmenn
eru vanir. En
“You are too trusting, Leia daughter of the king,” says Tarkinn, “As Aldiran
people are accustomed (to being). But
Dantúíney es sjaldheyrð ok liggr of fjarri þeim borgum es vér vildum kúga.
En snart monum vér fœra víkingum órum þagat.”
Dantuine Island is seldom heard of and lies too far from those towns which
we want to tyrannize. But soon we will send Viking arrows thither.”
Lýkr nú þessi stefnu, ok eptir liðinn lítinn tíma dreif svá mikill herr á
landit at øngum þóttisk slík
Now ends this summons and after a little time passed, so great a force
rushed on land that none thought himself
ódœmi fyrr sén hafa, ok vas svá mikill gnýr af vápnagangi ok hestgneggi ok
hvellum luðrblæstri
to have seen such an enormity before and (the) din of weapons and neighing
of horses and shrill blowing of trumpets was so great
at jǫrðin sjǭlf skalf, ok kleifarnar svǫruðu með hræðilega dvergmála. Þeir
stefna þá til
that the earth itself shook and the cliffs answered with fearsome echos.
They aimed then for
Aldiranborgar, eyða ok brenna ok gøra allt vǭnt es þeir mǭttu, ok drepa bæði
konur ok karla,
Aldiran town, to destroy and to burn and do all ?? which they could and to
kill both women and men,
naut ok sauði, ok þeir svá brenndu at þar stóð etki kot eptir.
cattle and sheep and they burnt so (much) that not (even) a hut stood
Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.
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