"Hvat?" kvað Leia konungsdóttir.
"What?" said Princess Leia?
"Oflega trúmikil ertu, Leia konungsdóttir," segir Tarkinn, "Sem Aldiranmenn eru vanir.
"(Oflega?) believing you are, Princess Leia," says Tarkin, "As people of Aldiran are wont.
En Dantúíney es sjaldheyrð ok liggr of fjarri þeim borgum es vér vildum kúga.
But Dantin Island is seldom heard about and lies far off of the cities which we want (to) tyrannize.
En snart monum vér fra víkingum órum þagat."
But soon we will convey our Vikings there."
Lýkr nú þessi stefnu, ok eptir liðinn lítinn tíma dreif svá mikill herr á landit at øngum þóttisk slík ódmi fyrr sén hafa, ok vas svá mikill gnýr af vápnagangi ok hestgneggi ok hvellum luðrblæstri at jǫrðin sjǭlf skalf, ok kleifarnar svǫruðu með hræðilega dvergmála.
This appointed meeting ends now, and after little time passed so many soldiers dispersed to the land that no one thought such un-proof (?) previously has seen, and (there) was such a great clash of a shower of weapons and din of horsemen and shrill bellow noise (?) that the earth itself shook, and the cliffs answered (?) with dreadful echo.
Þeir stefna þá til Aldiranborgar, eyða ok brenna ok gøra allt vǭnt es þeir mǭttu, ok drepa bæði konur ok karla, naut ok sauði, ok þeir svá brenndu at þar stóð etki kot eptir.
They stopped then at Aldiran City, destroyed and burned and did all wont (?) which they were able, and slayed both women and men, cattle and sheep, and they burned so that no cottage stood there after.