From: Fred & Grace Hatton Message: 11791 Date: 2011-05-19
En meðan þeir Artú tefldu, lærði Víga-Óbívan Lúki at berjask með sverðit
Ljósamæki inn grœna.
And while they, R2 (and Chewbacca), played table games, Slayer Obiwan taught
Luke to fight with the sword, Lightsaber the green.
Víga-Óbívan hafði hjálm látinn setja á hǫfuð Lúki, ok hafði hann snúinn á
bak, svá at Lúki vas sýnleysi.
Slayer Obiwan had a ?? helmet set on Luke’s head, and he had turned (it)
backwards, so that Luke was unable to see.
“En hjálmi sitjanda yfir augu mér, em ek blindr. Hversu væntir þik þess, at
ek fæ barizk?” spyrr
“But I am blind with (the) helmet sitting over my eyes. How do you expect
this that I am able to fight?” asks
Lúkr. Ok hann hjó hart við, en missti fótanna, ok Hólmgǫngu-Hani hló.
Luke. And he hewed hard with (the saber) but missed the legs, and Duel Han
“Augu á þér eru óreynd,” segir Víga-Óbívan Lúki, “Ok óttafull. Eigi treystu
þeim! En gæfa
“Your eyes are untried,” says Slayer Obiwan to Luke, “And fearful. You do
not trust them! But (the) good luck
Jeðifjarðamanna fylgir þér, sem hon fylgdi feðr þínum; monu Nornir stýra
sverði þínu, ef þú
of the Jedi Firth men follows you, as it followed your father; (the) Norns
will? steer your sword, if you
treystir á þær, ok monu sverð þitt hǫggva þar, es því auðnar at hǫggva.”
believe in them, and your sword will? hew there where it is fated to hew.”
“Mjǫk trúaðr maðr ertu Víga-Óbívan,” kvað Hólmgǫngu-Hani, “En gagnlaus es
trú. Ek hefi sigld
“A great believer man are you, Slayer Obiwan,” said Duel Han, “But faith is
useless. I have sailed
frá Nóregi til Íslands, frá Danmǫrku til Englands, ok aldregi hefik nekkvert
goð sétt, hvártki
from Norway to Iceland, from Denmark to England and never have I seen any
god, neither
kristit né heiðit. En hefirðu goð sétt, eða jafnvel gæfuna þessa, es þú
kveðr fylgja ætt þinni?”
Christian nor heathen. But have you seen a god or even this good luck which
you say follows your lineage?”
En Víga-Óbívan hafði lyfstein á hálsi; þann stein hafði Meis Vindússon
áttan, áðr en hann vas
And Slayer Obiwan had a healing stone at his neck; that stone Meis Vindu’s
son had, before when he was
drepinn af Veiðr-Anakni. “Lyfsteinn sjá,” segir Víga-Óbívan Hólmgǫngu-Hana,
ok seldi þann í hendr honum, “Es gæfumikill.”
slain by Hunter Anakinn. “This healing stone,” says Slayer Obiwan to Duel
Han, and turned that over to him, “Is very lucky.”
En Hólmgǫngu-Hani hló, ok kvað vísu þessa:
But Duel Han laughed and recited this verse:
Lifðak lengi,
I lived a long time
létk ráða goð,
I let gods decide
hafðak aldri
I have never
hosu mosrauða,
moss red hose
battk aldri mér
never tied on me
belg at hálsi
a skin (bag) at (my) neck
urtafullan, -
full of herbs
þó ek enn lifi.
though I still live.
Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.
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