Star Wars XXII end + XXIII beginning - - Grace's translation

From: Fred & Grace Hatton
Message: 11654
Date: 2011-03-10

Thanks, Brian, for your help with the last translations. There was one
whole phrase I couldn't make anything out of.
I will be away all next week so will not be sending in the sections to

“Hversu kom þat at hendi, at faðir minn dó?” spurði Lúkr.
“How did it come in turn that my father died?” asked Luke.
Víga-Óbívan sagði: “Jeðifirzkr maðr sá ungi, es hét Veiði-Anakinn, eða
Veiðr, vas sem bróðir
Slayer Obiwan said, “A Jedifirther man, that youngster who was named Hunter
Anakinn, or Vader, was as my brother
minn, en hann sveik øss. Drap hann fǫður þinn ókarlmannlega, ok vas þat
but he betrayed us. He killed your father in a cowardly way and it was a
man-slaughter during the night.”
“Ek vilda hann drepa,” segir Lúkr, “En hversu yrða ek farinn frá Íslandi?”
“I would want to kill him,” says Luke, but how do I become gone from
“Vit sjáum til,” mælti Víga-Óbívan, “En fyrst lát mik lesa þetta boð frá
Leiu konungsdóttur.”
“We’ll see to it,” said Slayer Obiwan, “but first let me read this message
from Leia, daughter of the king.”
Artú seldi boðit í hendr Víga-Óbívani, ok Víga-Óbívan las þat upp.
“Víga-Óbívan Kvæggansson,
R2 turned over the message into Slayer Obiwan’s hands and Slayer Obiwan read
it. “Slayer Obiwan Kvaeggan’s son,
fyrir mǫrgum ǭrum síðan vannt þú í mót Falfaðni konungi saman með fǫður
mínum -”
many years ago you fought against King Palpatine together with my father-“
“Þetta es lygi,” segir Víga-Óbívan, “Því at faðir hennar vas maðr írskr ok
ragr,” en hann las fram:
“This is a lie,” says Slayer Obiwan, “ because her father was an Irish man
and cowardly” and he read on:
“Nú biðr faðir minn þess, at þú hjálpir honum. Artú Dítússon veit nekkvat,
þat es fengi ríkit
“Now my father awaits this, that you help him. R2 D2’s son knows something
, it would be able?
Falfaðins lamit mjǫk. Þú hlýtr at koma saman með hann aptr til
Aldiransveita, þar es þit faðir
to greatly harm Palpatine’s power. You are obliged to come together with
him back to Aldiran’s districts, there where you, my father (and you),
minn munuð ráða ýr vandræði þessu. Ek em fangi Veiðrar; es þat trúlegt, at
hann skyli láta mik
will find a way out of this difficulty. I am Vader’s prisoner, it is
credible that he shall have me
drepa áðr enn þú þetta boð less. Hjálpa mér, Víga-Óbívan Kvægganson; þú einn
þørðir at hefna mín.”
killed even before you read this message. Help me, Slayer Obiwan Kvaeggan’s
son. You alone dare to avenge me.”
“Þú hlýtr fara með mér til Aldiransveita, Lúkr ungi” segir Víga-Óbívan, “Því
at ek em orðinn ofgamall ok fenga eigi lengra barizk.”
“You are obliged to go with me to Aldiran’s districts, young Luke,” says
Slayer Obiwan, “Because I am become too old and no longer able to fight.”
En Lúkr svaraði, “Til Aldiransveita? Nei, bokki sæll! Ek hlýt fara heim.
Frændi minn reiðisk!”
But Luke answered, “To Aldiran’s districts? No, my dear fellow! I am
obliged to go home. My kinsman becomes angry!”
“Þat segir frændi þinn, jafnvel þó varrarnar á þér reyfask,” kvað
Víga-Óbívan. “En auðvíst es
“Your kinsman says it, even though ???????” said Slayer Obiwan. “But easily
certain is it
þat, at þú skalt gøra þat, es finnsk þér karlmannlegast.”
that you shall do that which you find most manly for you.”
XXIII. Kapítuli: Frá brennu Óins
Of the burning of Oinn
Víga-Óbívan Kvæggansson fœrði Þrípíó lyfsteininn sinn; svá grœddi hann þann
handlegg á
Slayer Obiwan Kvaeggan’s son brought 3PO his healing stone, thus he grew
that arm onto
Þrípíó, es vas skorinn af í bardaga.
3PO which was shorn off in battle.
“Ek hefi þræl þinn læknaðan,” segir Víga-Óbívan Lúki, “Ef þú vill eigi koma
með mik til
“I have healed your thrall,” says Slayer Obiwan to Luke, “If you do not want
to come with me to
Aldiransveita, á ek eigi nekkver laun fyrir at ek stoðaða til þín svá?”
Aldiran’s districts, am I not entitled to some rewards before that I
supported you thus?”
“Já vist átt þú laun,” segir Lúkr, “Ok nefn þú þau.”
“Yes, certainly you have rewards,” says Luke, “And you name them.”

Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.

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