From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11651
Date: 2011-03-08
> En hann var svo búinn jafnan að hann hafði skarlatskyrtilYes, <ystan> is the modern spelling of <yztan> 'outermost':
> rauðan og gráfeld ystan og bjarnskinnshúfu á höfði, sverð
> í hendi.
> And/but he was so equally prepared that he had a red
> scarlet-clothes and a gray-cloak (ystan?) and a
> bear-skin-hat on (his) head, a sword in hand.
> But he was always thus that he had a red scarlet-tunic and
> grey cloak outermost? and a bear-skin cap on (his) head,
> sword in hand.
> But he was so attired (búa, Z2) always that he had a red
> scarlet-kirtle (tunic) and outer? (masc acc sg of yztr ?)
> grey-cloak and bearskin-cap on (his) head, a sword in
> hand.
> Það var mikið vopn og gott, tannhjölt að.The latter, so far as I can tell.
> That was a large and good weapon, with a hilt of walrus
> tusk.
> It was a large and good weapon, with a hilt of walrus
> tusk.
> That was a great weapon and good, tusk-hilted or a
> tusk-hilt upon (it) (pp or noun + at?).
> Síðan bar Geirmundur fé undir Þorgerði til þess að hann'In order that'.
> næði ráðinu.
> Then Geirmund bribed Thorgerd to that, that he got the
> agreement. (Z. bera 5 - bera fé á e-n, to bribe one)
> Afterwards Geirmund brought money in turn to Thorgerd for
> this reason that he ?? the plan.
> After-that Geirmundr bore money under (the table)
> toÞorgerðr (ie bribed her, cf bera fé á e-n, Z6) to that
> (end) that (ie in order that or ,maybe, until) he
> would-get (subj of ná) the-match (marriage, ráð, Z8).
> Hún tók við fénu því að eigi var smám fram lagt.<Smám> seems to be used quite generally in the adverbial
> She received the wealth because (she) was not together
> from placed (???).
> She accepted the money because it was not a small amount
> put forward.
> She accepted the-money because (it) was not smally
> (sparingly, in small (amounts), smár, adj in dative as
> adv?) put forward (advanced, proffered).
> Hún segir og sína ætlan að dóttir þeirra muni eigi beturI agree about 'opinion'. I think that <muni> is probably as
> verða gefin "því að hann er garpur mikill, auðigur og
> stórlátur."
> She says also her intention that their daughter would not
> be better given-in-matrimony "because he is a great
> dauntless man, wealthy and haughty."
> She says also her expectation that their daughter would
> not be better married, “because he is a very bold man,
> wealthy and proud.”
> She says also her opinion (Z1, fits the context better
> here, I think) that there daughter would-not become better
> given (in marriage) “because he is a great dauntless-man,
> wealthy and munificent.”
> Þá svarar Ólafur: "Eigi skal þetta gera í móti þér heldurI take it as <þetta ... heldur en annað>: 'No more shall
> en annað þótt eg væri fúsari að gifta Þuríði öðrum manni."
> Olaf then answers: "(I) shall not do this against you
> rather than another even-though I would be more willing to
> marry Thurd to another man."
> Then Olaf answers, “This shall not be done against you(r
> wishes) rather than another although I would be more eager
> to marry Thurid to another man.”
> Then Ólafr answers: “(I) shall not decide (judge, see
> göra, Z10?) this (I think this is the object of göra, not
> the subject) against you more than (any) other (matter)
> even-if I were more-eager to marry Þuriðr to another man.”
> Hann þakkaði henni sín orð og tillög og skörungsskap.Yes, 'her words', here in the acc. plur. as the thing for
> He thanked her (for) report and help and nobleness.
> He thanked her for her words and help and nobleness.
> He thanked her for her (?) words and help and nobleness.