Star Wars XXI part 2 - Rob's Translation

From: rob13567
Message: 11628
Date: 2011-02-25

Here's my translation:

"Þú níðir mik," segir Þrípíó, "En ek frelsta þik tvisvar."

"You libel me," says 3PO, "But I rescued you twice."


Artú mælti, "Heyrirðu nekkvat?

R2 said, "Do you hear any(thing)?


Mér þóttisk at ek heyrða hestagný nekkvern."

It seemed to me that I heard noise of horsemen somewhere."


Þrípío sagði þetta Lúki.

3PO told that to Luke.


"Tuskinssynir," segir Lúkr, "Ok ek vápnlauss.

"Sons of Tuskin," says Luke, "And I (am) weaponless.


FÇ«rum vit sem skjótast."

Let's go as soon as possible."


En maðr kom ríðandi at Lúki.

But a man came riding to Luke.


Hann vas grímumaðr, ok hestr hans loðinn, stórr, ok mjÇ«k skitinn.

He was a masked man, and his horse shaggy, large, and very dirty.


Sjá maðr hafði staf í vinstri hendi, ok sverð í hœgri.

The man had a staff in (his) left hand, and a sword in (the) right (one).


Sverðit kom á hÇ«ndina Þrípíós ok hjó af.

The sword hit the hand of 3PO and cut (it) off.  (Z. koma 4 - k. á e-t, to come on, hit)


En stafr kom á hÇ«fuðit Lúks; hann fell til jarðar óvígr.

But a staff hit the head of Luke; he fell to the earth unable to fight.


En Artú vas maðr stuttr ok fann leyni í helli nekkverjum.

But R2 was a short man and found a hiding-place in some caves.


Aðrir ránsmenn fylgðu nú; þeir rannsÇ«kuðu vistir Lúks ok Þrípíós.

Other robbers followed now; they ransacked Luke's and 3PO's provisions.


En es þeir brugðu sverðum sínum ok vildu hÇ«ggva þeim banahÇ«gg, gekk gamall maðr hvítskeggjaðr yfir ás; hann gerði mikinn dyn.

When they drew their swords and would give them their deathblow, an old white-bearded man came over a ridge; he made much noise.    (Z. höggva 1 - h. e-n bana-högg, to give one his deathblow) 


Ránsmenn hlógu hátt at þessum inum gamla manni, en þá brá hann sverði sínu; hann hleypr þegar fram ok hjó þegar mann til bana.

(The) robbers laughed loudly at this, the old man, but then he drew his sword; he makes (them) go from (there) at once and at once strikes a man dead.


Hann hjó með hœgri hendi á fót annars manns fyr ofan knét ok hljóp at honum við og hratt honum.

He struck with (his) right hand another man's foot above the knee and swiftly attacked him.    (Z. ofan 4 - fyrir ofan, above)  (Z. hlaupa 4 - h. at e-m, h. á e-n, to attack one)


Allir aðrir flýðu.

All others fled.


Sjá inn hvítskeggjaði maðr hné við Lúki, segir at hann sé eigi dauðr ok lítt særðr.

The white-bearded man turned to Luke, says that he is not dead and little harmed.


Lúkr vaknar. "Óbívan?" segir hann. "Óbívan inn gamli? Ek gleðjumk við, at sjá þik."

Luke wakes up. "Obiwan?" he says. "Obiwan the old? I rejoice to see you."


"Eigi es Gunganhraunit auðfœrt," segir Óbívan.

"The Gungan lava field is not easy to pass," says Obiwan.


"Segi mér, Lúkr ungi, fyr hví ferrðu svá lengi inn Tattúínárdalinn?"

"Tell me, young Luke, why do you travel so long the Tattuinar dale?"


Lúkr mælti, "Sakir þessa þræls.

Luke says, "On account of this thrall.


Hann leitar þess herra, es leysti hann.

He seeks that man, who freed him.


Aldregi hefik þann þræl sén svá trúlegan.

I have never seen that thrall so faithful. 


Hann segir, at herra hans væri kallaðr Víga-Óbívan Kvæggansson.

He says, that his master was called Slayer-Obiwan son of Kvaeggan.


Es hann frændi þinn? Þekkirðu manninn?"

Is he your relative?  Do you know the man?"


En Óbívan mælti, "Víga-Óbívan Kvæggansson. Víga-Óbívan. Þat nafn hefik lengi

eigi heyrt."

And Obiwan spoke, "Slayer-Obiwan Kvaegganson.  Slayer-Obiwan.  I haven't heard that name for a long time."

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