Star Wars XXI beginning - - Grace's translation

From: Fred & Grace Hatton
Message: 11591
Date: 2011-02-16

XXI. Kapítuli: Frá Víga-Óbívani Kvægganssyni
Lúkr stóð á fjalltindi ok leit, hvar sól lægði, ok jǫkull fyr honum vas sem
spegill, ok þar í horfði
Luke stood in the fall and looked where the sun sank and (the) glacier
before him was like a mirror and there out in a certain direction?

þat út, sem ǫnnur sól lægði. Því hét þat fjall Tvísólatindr, ok þar stóð
Lúkr opt einn saman ok
out(ward) as if another sun sank (there). For that reason it is called
Two-suns-sinking mountain, and there stood Luke often alone and

íhúga sǫgur um víkinga ok konunga.
mused over sagas about harrying and kings.

En síðan kom Þrípíó þangat ok sagði, at bróðir hans Artú væri flýðr.
And afterwards 3PO came thither and said that his brother R2 had fled.

“Reyndir þú nekkvat,” segir Lúkr, “At hindra hann?”
“Did you try,” says Luke, “to hinder him?”

“Já víst, bokki sæll,” segir Þrípíó, “En hann es mjǫk sterkari enn ek, ok
talar hann enn of Víga-Óbívan Kvæggansson.”
“Yes certainly, dear fellow,” says 3PO, “But he is much stronger than I and
he still speaks of Slayer Obiwan Kvaeggan’s son.”

“Segiðu ekki frænda mínum Ónum,” segir Lúkr, “Því at hann mun vera inn
reiðasti. En á morgin
“Do not tell my kinsman, Oinn,” says Luke, “because he will be the most
furious. But tomorrow

skulum vit leita Artús, ok ef hann lýgr til þess, at hann væri þræll
we (two) shall search for R2 and if he should be lying about this, that he
was a thrall of Slayer Obiwan

Kvægganssonar, þá skal ek drepa hann sem snarast. En ek vil hvergi leita
hans í nótt, því at
Kvaeggan’s son, then I shall kill him as quickly as possible. But I want by
no means to search for him at night because

ránsmenn, Tuskinssynir, búa meðal hrauna ok sandbrekka, ok Óinn frændi vildi
eigi at ek bæri vǭpn.”
robbers, Tuskin’s sons, live between lava fields and sandy slopes and
kinsman Oinn did not want that I bear arms.

Lúkr átti hest góðan, rauðan at lit; sá hestr hét Landhraðfœrr. At morni
riðu þeir Þrípíó þessum góða hesti ok sóttu Artú.
Luke had a good horse, red in colour, that horse was named Landspeed? In
the morning they, 3PO (and Luke) rode this good horse and looked for R2.

Þat es gjá mikil í Tattúínárdal, es heitir Stafkarlsgjá; þar bjó Óbívan inn
gamli, ok þar sóttu þeir
There is a great chasm in Tattuine River Dale, which is called poor beggars
chasm; there Obiwan the old lived, that there they looked

Artú. Þeir fundu hann þegar; en Artú vildi eigi koma með.
for R2, They found him at once, but R2 did not want to come along.

“Þú ert þræll Lúks Anakinssonar nú,” segir Þrípíó honum, “Ok fyr hví
vildirðu enn renna? Hann
“You are a thrall of Luke Anakinn’s son now,” 3PO tells him, “And why would
you still want to run (away)? He

fengi fœrðan þik til þessa Óbívans ef þú mundi sýna honum boðit.”
would get you to this Obiwan if you would show him the message.”

En Artú kvað, “Ragr maðr ertu víst, bróðir minn. Sveinn es sjá en engi
drengr. Víga-Óbívan
But R2 said, “You are a cowardly man, my brother. A boy (like?) that is not
yet courageous. Slayer Obiwan

Kvæggansson má finnask sem skjótast, eða skal Veiðr drepa Leiu
konungsdóttur, ok sigla
Kvaeggan’s son can be found as quickly as possible, or Vader shall kill
Leia, daughter of the king, and sail

Dauðastjǫrnu jafnvel til Aldiransveita. Víga-Óbívan Kvæggansson es maðr
drengilegr ok hatask
(the) Death Star even to Aldiran’s districts. Slayer Obiwan Kvaeggan’s son
is a courageous man and hates

við Falfaðin konung; hann vildi gjarna hjálpa øss. En Lúkr þinn vildi heldr
hlýða frænda sínum
King Palpatine, he would gladly help us. But your Luke would rather listen
to his kinsman

enn fara á víking; es hann maðr ragr sem þú sjálfr.”
than go a-harrying, he is a cowardly man as you yourself.”

Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.

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