From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11577
Date: 2011-02-12
> Það þótti mikill skaði, fyrst að upphafi sonum hans ogYes: <fyrst at upphafi> is 'first and foremost'.
> öllum frændum hans og tengdamönnum þeirra og vinum.
> That was thought a great loss, first beginning to his sons
> and all his relatives and their relations by affinity and
> friends.
> It seemed a great loss, firstly ? beginning? with his sons
> and all his kinsmen and those relations by affinity and
> friends.
> That seemed (was-thought) a great loss, firstly from the
> beginning (ie first and foremost?) to his sons and all his
> kinsmen and their relations (by affinity) and friends.
> Synir hans láta verpa haug virðulegan eftir hann.I'm with Rob and Grace here: <virðulegan> modifies <haug>,
> His sons caused (to) raise a worthy mound for him.
> His sons had a splendid mound thrown up in his honour.
> His sons caused to raise a mound worthy of him.
> En er því var lokið þá taka þeir bræður tal um það að þeir<Tíska> isn't a typo: it's the modern spelling. (Compare
> muni efna til erfis eftir föður sinn því að það var þá
> tíska í það mund.
> And when thus (it) was concluded, then the brothers begin
> to talk together concerning that, that they would perform
> with regard to a funeral feast for their father because
> that was then (the) fashion(?) in that time.
> But when it was over then those brothers began a
> discussion about it that they would perform a funeral
> feast in honour of their father because it was then ?? in
> that time.
> But when that (the mound, dative) was closed (see, lúka,
> z4, impers), then they, (the) brothers take-to
> conversation (start talking) about that, that they will
> prepare a funeral feast for their father because that was
> then (the) custom (tíðska) at that time.
> Þá mælti Ólafur: "Svo líst mér sem ekki megi svo skjótt aðI wasn't sure at first whether <oss> was to be construed
> þessi veislu snúa ef hún skal svo virðuleg verða sem oss
> þætti sóma.
> Olaf then spoke: "So it seems to me as can not so speedily
> that this feast turn if it shall be so worthy as we
> thought (to) befit.
> Then Olaf spoke, “So it seems to me not possible to
> prepare for this feast so quickly if it shall be splendid
> as would beseem our honour.
> Then Ólafr spoke: ‘(It) seems to me such that (one) might
> not so quickly prepare for this feast (see snúa at e-m,
> Z7) if it shall happen-to-be as honourable as would-seem
> to befit us.
> Er nú mjög á liðið haustið en ekki auðvelt að afla fangaNote that <haustið> is 'the autumn/the fall', with the
> til.
> (It) is now very little the harvest-season and no easiness
> to procure means for (it).
> But now it has passed well along into fall and not easy to
> procure provisions for (it).
> Autumn is now much drawn to a close (see líða á e-t, Z6)
> but (and) (it is) not easy to procure provisions towards
> (a feast).
> Mun og flestum mönnum þykja torvelt, þeim er langt eiga<Á haustdegi> is literally 'on a fall day' (singular), but
> til að sækja, á haustdegi og vís von að margir komi eigi
> þeir er vér vildum helst að kæmu.
> Also most men will think it difficult, they which have far
> to come to, on an autumn day and certainly that many not
> come they which we would rather to come.
> Also (it) will seem difficult to most people, those who
> have to go a long distance, on fall days and certain to be
> expected that those many would not come who we most wished
> would come.
> (It) will also seem to most men difficult, for those who a
> long-way have to seek (ie to travel), in autumn and (there
> is) certain expectation that many would-come not, those
> who we would-want most that (they) would-come.
> Þeir Þorleikur og Bárður skipta fé með sér.Rob's right about the tense: <skipta> is 3rd plur. pres.
> They, Thorleik and Bard, divide (the) wealth between
> themselves.
> They, Thorleik and Bard, divided (the) wealth between
> themselves.
> They, Þorleikr and Bárðr divided (the) property between
> themselves.
> Hlýtur Bárður föðurleifð þeirra því að til þess hélduAs we see in the next sentence Bárð doesn't get the whole
> fleiri menn því að hann var vinsælli.
> Bard gets their patrimony because several men held to that
> because he was beloved.
> Bard is allotted his father’s estate because for this
> reason (that) most people considered that he was friendly.
> Bárðr gets (by lot) their father’s patrimony (left-overs)
> because more men held to (ie were bent on, conducive to,
> supportive of, see halda til, Z.iii) that because he was
> more-popular.
> Nú líður sjá hinn næsti vetur og kemur sumar og líður aðI'm with Rob and Grace: <sjá hinn næsti vetur> is simply
> þingi.
> Now the next winter passes, and summer comes and (the)
> Thing takes-place.
> Now the next winter passes and summer comes and it passes
> toward (the) Thing.
> Now that passes, the next winter, and summer comes
> (arrives) and (it) passes to (the) Thing.
> Nú er það vilji bræðra minna að eg bjóði yður til erfisI'll go with 'a funeral feast'. <[Þ]eir munu flestir hinir
> eftir Höskuld föður vorn, öllum goðorðsmönnum því að þeir
> munu flestir hinir gildari menn er í tengdum voru bundnir
> við hann.
> Now, that is my brothers' desire that I invite you to a
> funeral feast in honor of our father Hoskuld, all owners
> of the dignity and authority of a chief because most will
> be great men in affinity were bound with him.
> Now it is the will of my brothers that I invite you to a
> funeral feast in honour of our father, all chieftain’s?
> men because they will, most the better? men who were bound
> by affinity with him.
> Now that is the will (wish) of my brothers that I invite
> you to (the) funeral feast for Höskuldr, our father, all
> owners-of-the-authority-of-chieftain-priest, because they
> will (be) most, the more worthy men (persons) who in
> affinity were bound with him.
> Skal sækja hálfsmánaðar veislu á Höskuldsstaði þá er tíuRob: <veislu> can't be the subject, because it's not in the
> vikur eru til vetrar."
> (The) funderal feast shall go a half-month at
> Haskuld's-stead then (when it) is 10 weeks before winter."
> (They) shall come to a two-week-long feast at Hoskuld’s
> steads then when ten weeks are before winter.”
> (I) shall prosecute a half-month’s feast at
> Höskuldsstaðir, when (there) are ten weeks to winter.”