From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11561
Date: 2011-02-04
> Sá sveinn var vatni ausinn og nafn gefið og kallaðurThe finite verb <var> actually goes with all three of the
> Bolli.
> The son was sprinkled with water and given a name and is
> called Bolli.
> That boy was sprinkled with water and a name given and
> (he) was called Bolli.
> That boy was sprinkled with water and given a name and
> (was) called Bolli.
> Hann sendi eftir sonum sínum og öðrum frændum sínum ogJust in case Rob's wondering, it does say 'his other
> vinum.
> He sent after his sons and his other relatives and
> friends.
> He sent for his sons and other kinsmen and friends.
> He sent after (for) his sons and other kinsmen and
> friends.
> Hefir þú faðir þar marga þína muni til gefna og lengi mjög<Muni> can also be the acc. pl. of <munr>, and here it has
> misjafnað með oss bræðrum.
> Father, have you there many your would to give and very
> long shared-unequally with us brothers.
> You, father, have given there much of your means to (him)
> and for a very long time (there has been) unequal sharing
> with us brothers.
> You, father, have given much of yours in things (munr,
> dat, Z6?) thereto (ie to him) and for a long-time
> very-much shared-unevenly with us brothers (we´ve been
> left the scraps).
> ... kvaðst eigi fyrir því þetta mæla að eigi vissi hann aðI take <fyrir því> here to mean 'for that [reason]': '[he]
> hún hafði þar staðar numið.
> ... stated for himself not before therefore this he speaks
> that certainty that she(?) had there taken place. (???)
> ... said of himself not for this to speak that he knew not
> that it had stopped there?.
> ... declared-of-himself not to speak this before that,
> that he knew not that it (ie the good luck, feminine) had
> stopped (found its rightful resting place, nema staðar,
> Z1) there (ie he would not have declared the ‘good luck’
> as Ólafr´s inheritance if he wasn´t certain that it was
> already with Ólafr).