From: AThompson
Message: 11534
Date: 2011-01-25
Here´s my translation. I see a made a few silly mistakes last time - must have been rusty after the break. I hope I have fared better this time.
25. kafli - Af sonum Höskuldar
Chapter 25 – Of (Concerning) Höskuldr’s Sons.
Nú er að segja frá sonum Höskulds. Þorleikur Höskuldsson hafði verið
Now (one) is to talk about Hoskuldr’s sons. Þorleikr Höskuldr’s-son had been
farmaður mikill og var með tignum mönnum þá er hann var í kaupferðum áður
a great (sea)-faring-man (merchant) and was (stayed) with noble men when he was on trading-voyages before
hann settist í bú og þótti merkilegur maður. Verið hafði hann og í víkingu
he settled-himself into farming (settled down to farm, set up abode on a farm) and was-thought a distinguished man. He had also been in raiding (“vikingdom”)
og gaf þar góða raun fyrir karlmennsku sakir (sök).
and gave there good proof (raun, Z5) by reason(s) of valour (demonstrated his worth through his courage).
Bárður Höskuldsson hafði og verið farmaður og var vel metinn hvar sem hann
Bárðr Höskuldsr’s-son had also been a (sea)-faring-man (merchant) and was highly esteemed wherever he
kom því að hann var hinn besti drengur og hófsmaður um allt. Bárður
came (went) because he was the most (lit: best) noble-minded-man and a just-man concerning everything (in all respects). Bárðr
kvongaðist (kvángast) og fékk breiðfirskrar konu er Ástríður hét. Var hún kyngóð.
took-a-wife and got a Broadfjord woman* who was-called Ástriðr. She was of-good-family.
(*Note: Broadfjord women are no match for the Borgarfjord women, cf Chapter 22)
Son Bárðar hét Þórarinn en dóttir hans Guðný er átti Hallur son Víga-Styrs og er
(The) son of Bárðr was-called Þórarinn and (but) his daughter, Guðný whom Hallr (Rob: Hall is in the nominative case), son of Víga-Styrr, married (had as wfe) and is
frá þeim kominn mikill áttbogi.
from them come (descended) a great lineage.
Hrútur Herjólfsson gaf frelsi þræli sínum þeim er Hrólfur hét og þar með
Hrútr Herjólfr’s-son gave freedom to his slave, that-one who was-called Hrólfr and therewith (ie in addition)
fjárhlut nokkurn og bústað að landamæri þeirra Höskulds og lágu svo nær landamerkin
some property and a dwelling-place close-to (the) land-boundary of them, Höskuldr (and himself) and the boundaries (nominative plural) lay (were-situated) so near (to Hrút´s abode, presumably)
að þeim Hrýtlingum hafði yfir skotist um þetta og höfðu þeir
that they, Hrýtlings (Hrút and his descendants), failed to notice this (overlooked, over-shot) see e-m skýzt yfir um e-t, under skjóta, Z6, impers construction) and they had (happened to have)
settan lausingjann (leysingi) í land Höskulds. Hann græddi þar brátt mikið fé.
the-freed-man settled (acc masc pp agrees with lausingjann) on Höskuldr’s land. He made there quickly a lot of money (see groeða fé, Z3).
Höskuldi þótti þetta mikið í móti skapi er Hrútur hafði sett (setja) lausingjann við
To Höskuldr this seemed much against (his) mind (ie he was rather pissed off) that Hrútr had settled the-freed-man close to
eyra honum, bað lausingjann gjalda sér fé fyrir jörðina þá er hann bjó á
his ear (we would say right under his nose), asked the-freed-man to pay him money for the-land which he lived on
"því að það er mín eign."
”because that is my property (eign, f (1) property, possession).”
Lausinginn fer til Hrúts og segir honum allt tal þeirra. Hrútur bað hann
The freed-man goes to Hrútr and says to him all their conversation. Hrútr asked him
engan gaum að gefa og gjalda ekki fé Höskuldi: "Veit eg eigi," segir hann,
to give no heed (pay no attention) and pay not (any) money to Höskuldr: “I do not know,” he says,
"hvor okkar átt hefir land þetta."
”which of us-two has owned this land.”
Fer nú lausinginn heim og situr í búi sínu rétt sem áður.
Now the-freed-man goes home and sits (remains) in his farm just as before.
Litlu síðar fer Þorleikur Höskuldsson að ráði föður síns með nokkura menn á
A little later Þorkeikr Höskuldr’s-son goes at his father’s consent (ráð, Z5, or maybe command, Z6) with some men to
bæ lausingjans, taka hann og drepa en Þorleikur eignaði sér fé það allt og föður sínum
the farmstead of the-freed-man, (they) seize him and kill (him) and (but) Þorleikr took-for-himself (see eigna sér, Z1) and for his father all that wealth
er lausinginn hafði grætt. Þetta spurði Hrútur og líkar illa og sonum hans.
which the-freed-man had made. Hrútr learned of this and (it) ill pleased (him) and his sons.
Þeir voru margir þroskaðir og þótti sá frændabálkur
They, many (of them at least), were full-grown and that (group) seemed a body-of-kinsmen
óárennilegur (úárennilegr). Hrútur leitaði laga um mál þetta hversu fara ætti. Og er þetta
not-easy-to-attack (not to be run at). Hrútr sought legal-advice (went to the law) concerning this case (on) how (he) should (eiga, subjunctive, ?) proceed. And when this
mál var rannsakað af lögmönnum þá gekk þeim Hrúti lítt í hag og mátu (meta) menn
case was searched (every nook and cranny of the temple of the law) by (the) lawyers, then (it) went little to the advantage of them, Hrútr (and co) (see, í hag e-m, under hagr, Z3), and men (persons) attached
það mikils er Hrútur hafði sett lausingjann niður á óleyfðri jörðu Höskulds
much value (importance) to (meta e-t mikils, Z1) that, that (er, Z. ii.3) Hrútr had settled the-freed-man down on (the) forbidden land of Höskuldr
og hafði hann grætt þar fé. Hafði Þorleikur drepið hann á eignum þeirra feðga.
and he had made (his) money there. Þorleikr had killed him on their property, father-and-son.
Undi (una) Hrútur illa við sinn hlut og var þó samt.
Hrútr was ill content (see una, Z3) with his lot and (but) (it) was (stayed) nevertheless (the) same (ie there was nothing he could do about it?).