From: Fred & Grace Hatton Message: 11515 Date: 2011-01-17
Þann vetur er Ólafur bjó fyrst í Hjarðarholti hafði hann margt hjóna og
vinnumanna. Var skipt
That winter when Olaf first lived in Hjardarholt, he had many servants and
labourers. (The) work was divided
verkum með húskörlum. Gætti annar geldneyta en annar kúneyta. Fjósið var
brott í skóg eigi allskammt frá bænum.
up between the servants. One cared for the steers and heifers and (the)
other (the) cows (which are pregnant and need better feed hence the need to
care for
them separately). The cow shed was away in (the) forest not a short way
from the farm.
*(I have a problem calling these “barren.” In American English, that would
be a female unable to conceive and I doubt that they would have a whole herd
of these. I think these are steers -“gelded” males - and heifers. The
actual cows probably wouldn’t still be giving milk into the winter or at
least it would be rare.)
Eitt kveld kom sá maður að Ólafi er geldneyta gætti og bað hann fá til annan
mann að gæta
One evening that man who cared for the steers and heifers came to Olaf and
asked him to make another man care
nautanna "en ætla mér önnur verk."
for the cattle “and I intend other work for myself.”
Ólafur svarar: "Það vil eg að þú hafir hin sömu verk þín."
Olaf answers, “I wish it that you have your very same work.”
Hann kvaðst heldur brott vilja.
He said he would rather (go) away.
"Ábóta þykir þér þá vant," segir Ólafur. "Nú mun eg fara í kveld með þér er
þú bindur inn naut
“Then (it) seems to you (something is) in need of improvement,” says Olaf.
“Now I will go with you in the evening when you tie up (the) cattle
og ef mér þykir nokkur vorkunn til þessa þá mun eg ekki að telja ella muntu
finna á þínum hlut í nokkuru."
and if it seems to me something in this to be excused, then I will not blame
(you) otherwise you will pay dearly (finna CV 3) in your place?? in
Ólafur tekur í hönd sér spjótið gullrekna, konungsnaut, gengur nú heiman og
húskarl með
Olaf takes in hand his gold inlaid spear, gift of (the) king, goes now from
home and with his servant.
honum. Snjór var nokkur á jörðu. Koma þeir til fjóssins og var það opið.
Ræddi Ólafur að
(There ) was some snow on the ground. They come to the cow shed and it was
open. Olaf tells
húskarl skyldi inn ganga "en eg mun reka að þér nautin en þú bitt eftir."
(the) servant (he) should go in, “and I will drive the cattle to you and you
tie (them) after.
Húskarl gengur að fjósdurunum.
(The) servant goes to the cow shed doors.
Ólafur finnur eigi fyrr en hann hleypur í fang honum. Spyr Ólafur hví hann
færi svo fæltilega.
Olaf does not notice (anything) before he (the servant) leaps into his
arms. Olaf asks why he goes so fearfully.
Hann svarar: "Hrappur stendur í fjósdurunum og vildi fálma til mín en eg er
saddur á fangbrögðum við hann."
He answers, “Hrapp is standing in the cow shed doors and wanted to try to
get hold of me but I have had enough of wrestling with him.”
Ólafur gengur þá að durunum og leggur spjótinu til hans. Hrappur tekur
höndum báðum um fal
Olaf then goes to the doors and thrusts at him with the spear. Hrapp takes
both hands about (the) socket
spjótsins og snarar af út svo að þegar brotnar skaftið. Ólafur vill þá renna
á Hrapp en Hrappur fór
of the spear and quickly turns off out?? so that the shaft broke at once.
Olaf wants then to run to Hrapp, but Hrapp went
þar niður sem hann var kominn. Skilur þar með þeim. Hafði Ólafur skaft en
Hrappur spjótið.
(back) down there as he had come. They separate there. Olaf had (the)
shaft, but Hrapp, the spear.
Eftir þetta binda þeir Ólafur inn nautin og ganga heim síðan. Ólafur sagði
nú húskarli að hann
After this, they Olaf (and the servant) tie the cattle and go home
afterwards. Olaf now told (the) servant that he
mun honum eigi sakir á gefa þessi orðasemi.
will find no fault with him for making these remarks.
Um morguninn eftir fer Ólafur heiman og þar til er Hrappur hafði dysjaður
verið og lætur þar til
During the next morning, Olaf goes from home and there where Hrapp had been
buried in a cairn and has (it) dug up there.
grafa. Hrappur var þá enn ófúinn. Þar finnur Ólafur spjót sitt. Síðan lætur
hann gera bál. Er
Hrapp was then still well preserved. Then Olaf finds his spear. Afterwards
he has a funeral pyre made.
Hrappur brenndur á báli og er aska hans flutt á sjá út. Héðan frá verður
engum manni mein að afturgöngu Hrapps.
Hrapp is burnt on (the) funeral pyre and his ashes carried out to sea.
Henceforward harm happens to no man from Hrapp’s ghost.
Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.
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