From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11451
Date: 2010-12-04
> ... ok girnask á skipit hans.It may be interesting to know that <girna> is cognate with
> ... and lusted after his ship.
> En þá es hann frá, at Hólmgǫngu-Hani vas stolinn ránsféTechnically <Hólmgǫngu-Hani> is the subject of <vas>; <vera
> sínu ok farinn til Íslands, spurði hann konungi: “Líkar
> yðr vel ránsfé, konungr, es Hólmgǫngu-Hani fœrir yðr?”
> And then when he learned that his (Han’s) proceeds from
> plundering was stolen from Duel Han and (that he had)
> sailed to Iceland, he asked (the) king, “You enjoy well
> money from plundering, King, which Duel hand brings you?”
> “Þá myndi yðr margt um finnask,” segir Gríðó, “Ef érThe last bit is 'but now [you are] far from it'.
> hefðið allan þann, sem ér eiguð, en nú fór þat fjarri.
> "Then you would much like," says Grido, "If you had all
> that, as you owned, but now far from it. (Z. fara 6 -
> fjarri ferr þat, far from it, by no means)
> “Then you would be much pleased concerning (it),” says
> Grido, “If ye had all that which ye are entitled to, but
> now it amounts? to less.
> Es it miklu meiri hlutr, es Hani dregr undir sik.3rd person singular active present of <draga>; <draga undir
> That is much more wealth, that Han (dregr?) under himself.
> It is a much greater share which Han fraudulently<It miklu meiri hlutr> is a slightly puzzling construction.
> appropriates to himself.
> Hann sendr yðr at gjǫf bjórskinn þrjú en ek veit víst, atYes, <hafi> is 3rd person sing. present subjunctive of
> hann hefir eptir þrjá tigu þeira, es ér eiguð, ok hygg ek,
> at slíkan mun hafi farit um annat.
> He sends to you a gift of three bearskins, but I certainly
> know, that he has after 30 of them, which you own, and I
> think, that similarly would (hafi = have?) gone concerning
> other.
> He sends you as a gift three bear-skins but I know forOr even 'must have gone on'.
> certain that he has (kept) back those thirty which you are
> entitled to and I think that such will have gone on
> regarding other (goods).
> Satt mun þat, konungr, ef þú fær skipit hans it góða íOdd as it may seem, <skipit hans it góða> is simply 'his
> hǫnd mér, at meira fé skal ek fœra þér.”
> True will that, king, if you deliver his ship, the good
> one, in my hands, that more wealth shall I get you."
> It will (be) true, King, if you give his ship, the good
> (one) into my hands, that I shall bring you more wealth.
> En allt þat, es Gríðó sagði á hendr Hólmgǫngu-Hana, þáRob: You'll find <á hendr> 'against' about halfway down the
> bǭru förunautar hans vitni með honum.
> And all that, which Grido said concerning Holmgongu-Han,
> then his companions bore witness with him.
> And all that, which Grido said against Duel Han, then his
> comrades bore witness in his favor.
> Kona hét Leia; hon vas Beilorganasdóttir, írsks konungs í<Aldiransveitum> is a dative plural, so it's 'Aldiran
> Aldiransveitum.
> A woman was-named Leia; she was Beilorgana's daughter,
> Irish king in Aldiransveit.
> A woman was named Leia, she was daughter of Beilorgana,
> Irish king in Aldiran district.
> Við Beilorgana ok Falfaðni vas þat fátt, ...The neuter adjective <fátt> functions as a noun here,
> Between Beilorgan and Falfadinn that was cold, ...
> Between? Beilorgana and Palpatine was little (love lost),
> ...
> Fóru margir til nýja landa, beggja Færeyja ok Íslands okRob's right: <beggja> is the genitive of <báðir> 'both',
> Suðreyja ok Orkneyja ok Hjaltlands.
> Many went to new lands, both (to) the Faroe Islands and
> Iceland and the Hebrides and the Orkney Islands and the
> Shetlands.
> Many went to new lands, ??? Faroes and Iceland and
> Hebrides and Orkneys and Shetlands.
> En herrinn Falfaðins vas mikill, ok hann átti mǫrg herskipI don't find <viðkenna> anywhere, but <viðkenning>
> ok stór, ok hann herjaði lǫnd þeira, es vildu eigi
> viðkenna einvald hans; hann lét drepa ok marga góða menn,
> ok þrælka aðra.
> But Falfadinn's army was large, and he had many large
> warships, and he harried their land, who would not
> (viðkenna?) his sole-sovereinty; he also caused to be
> killed many good men and enslaved others.
> But Lord Palpatine was great and he had great and powerfulRob's right about <herrinn Falfaðins>: <Falfaðins> is a
> warships and he plundered their lands, since (they) did
> not want to acknowledge his sole rule; he also had killed
> many good men and enthralled others.
> Vas hann allóvinsæll konungr.'Unpopular'.
> He was a very unpopular king.
> He was the most unfriendly.
> En því at Falfaðinn konungr vildi kúga alla þá, es stóðu íThis <þá> is the 3rd person plural masculine accusative
> móti honum, ...
> And because King Falfadinn wanted to tyrannize over all
> then, who stood against him, ...
> But still King Palpatine wanted to tyrannize all those who<Því at> is indeed 'because'.
> stood against him, ...