Star Wars XVII Part 2 -- Rob's Translation

From: rob13567
Message: 11435
Date: 2010-11-25

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 

"Ek heiti Hani Sólósson," segir Hani, "Sumir kalla mik HólmgÇ«ngu-Hana.

I am-called Han Soloson," says Han, "Some call me Holmgongu-Han.


En sjá fylgðarmaðr minn es maðr frískr, Tsiubakka at nafni.

And this, my follower is a Frisian man, Chewbaca by name.


Vit erum komnir hingat frá DanmÇ«rk ok erum kaupdrengir."

We have come here from Denmark and are merchantmen."


"Ef it eruð sannarlega kaupdrengir," segir hÇ«fðingi, "Þá munuð it hafa vÇ«rur á skipi ykkar, þær es it vilið selja, ok vér viljum kaupa, ok látið øss sjá varning ykkar."

If you(?) were truly merchantmen," says a chief, "Then you would have wares on your ship, those that you would sell, and we would buy, and let us see your wares."


Þessir menn gingu síðan upp á skipit, ok þar fundu þeir margar gørsemar, þeim es HólmgÇ«ngu-Hani ok Tsiubakka hÇ«fðu stolnar frá þeim.

These men then went up on the ship, and there they found many treasures, those that Holmgongu-Han and Chewbaca had stolen from them.


Þessar þeir tóku, ok þeir vildu drepa HólmgÇ«ngu-Hana.

These they took, and they wanted (to) kill Holmgongu-Han.


 "Drepið hann eigi," segir inn fyrsti hÇ«fðingi, "Því at ek kennda hann í fyrstunni, ok kennda ek fÇ«ður hans ok.

"Don't kill him," says the first chief, "because I knew him in the beginning, and I knew also his father.


Hann es engi vinr Falfaðins konungs, ok erum vér heldr eigi.

He is no friend of King Palpatine, and we are not any the more.


En vér skulum taka allar þessar vÇ«rur, þeim es hann stól, ok skulum honum ekki gjalda."

But we will take all these wares, those that he stole, and will not repay him."


En því at þat haustaði, ok HólmgÇ«ngu-Hani hafði ekki ránsfé, þat es hann skyli selja í hendr Jabba konungi, snaraðisk hann sem skjótast við Íslandi ok þar vildi forðask reiði Jabba konungs, unz hann fengi nekkverjan skatt, þann es hann fengi fœrðan konungi.

But because that drew-near-autumn, and Holmgongu-Han didn't have proceeds-of-plunder, that which he should make over to King Jaba, he hastened as fast-as-possible to Island and there wanted to avoid King Jaba's wrath, until he got some tribute, that which he got fœrðan(?) of (the) King.


Maðr hét Vattó, maðr gamall ok stuttr, en góðr búandi ok móðurfrændi Hana.

A man was-named Vatto, an old and short man, but a good farmer and relative on Han's mother's side.


Hann bjó á Íslandi, at þeim bœ, es hét at MósæslastÇ«ðum; dvÇ«lðusk þeir HólmgÇ«ngu-Hani þar þann vetr.

He lived in Iceland, at the farm, which was-called Mosaeslastan; they, Holmgongu-Han (and others) stayed there that winter.


Þar gistu ok margir aðrir ránsmenn ok útlagar, því at Vattó vas sjálfr útlegðarmaðr ok elskaði eigi konunga.

There passed-the-night many other robbers and outlaws, because Vatto was himself an exile and didn't love kings.


Enn hafa sumir sagt, at bœr hans væri it versta greni manna óráðvandra ok rógsmanna.

Yet some have said, that his farm was the worst wolf-lair of-dishonest men and slanderers.



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