From: Fred and Grace Hatton Message: 11402 Date: 2010-11-11
I lost track of what chapter we were on and accidently posted the
translation as Star Wars XV end.
Falfaðinn konungr hafði lyfsteinn, ok hann forði Anakni steininn; síðan
groddi hann
King Palpatine had a life-stone, and he brought the stone to Anakinn,
afterwards he grew
Anakin, ok nýir limir grøru við líkamann hans, skapaðir af seiðgaldri
Falfaðins ór inu
Anakinn and new limbs grew together with his body, shaped of enchantment by
Palpatine's spells out of the
kalda svarta hrauni.
cold, black lava
En andlitit var mjok ørrótt ok brennt, ok lungun ok augun váru eydd af
reyki. Falfaðinn
And (the) face was very scarred and burned and lungs and eyes were destroyed
by smoke.
( Just an aside: have you heard the theory that electrical devices run on
smoke? Because clearly when they break, it is because all the smoke has
come out - - sometimes visibly.)
konungr kunni eigi seiða þann seið er groddi nýja tungu eða lungu eða augu,
ok fyrir því
King Palpatine did not know that magic which would grow a new tongue or
lungs or eyes and for that (reason)
skapaði hann þann mikla hjálm, er heitir Ægishjálmr, en leizt sá hjálmr út
sem hrafnblár
he shaped that great helmet, which is called Sea?-helmet, and that helmet
appeared from the outside? as a raven-black
hauss, ok fylgði hrafnblá kápa. Ok með þenn hjálm á hofði, mætti Anakinn
anda ok tala
skull and accompanied a raven-black cape. And with that helmet on (his)
head, Anakinn was able to breathe and talk
ok sjá, en raustin hans varð hræðilega breytt, eigi lengr fogr en dimm ok
þrumandi, ok
and see, but his voice became dreadfully altered, no longer fair, but gloomy
and thunderous and
hverr andi hans svá auðheyranleg ok byljandi sem mikil bylgja á knerri.
each breath of his so clear and resounding as a great swell (sounds) on a
Anakinn himingangari lá enn á jorðu með nýju limu sína. En þá er Anakinn
Anakinn skywalker lay still on (the) earth with his new limbs. But then
when Anakinn was able
hreyfask, gaf Falfaðinn konungr honum þat nafn alvorulega, er hermennirnir
hans gáfu
to stir, King Palpatine gave him that name in all earnest, which the
warriors gave him
spottandi, ok hann kvað: "Rís, Veiðr."
mocking, and he said, "Rise, Catcher."
Veiðr reis ok andaði, ok þá er hermennirnir heyrðu raustina, sýndisk þeim,
sem mikil
Catcher rose and breathed and then when the warriors heard the voice, (it)
seemed to them like a great
þruma reiddi, ok þeir gugnuðu allir.
thunder shook and they all lost heart.
"Veiðr jarl," segir Falfðinn konungr, "Fær þú mik heyrðan?"
"Earl Vader," says King Palpatine, "Are you able to hear me?"
"Já, herra," kvað Veiðr, en þá spurði hann: "Eða hvar er Paðéma?"
"Yes, lord," said Vader, but then he asked, "Where is Padme?"
"Eigi er at dylja þessa, vinr," segir Falfaðinn konungr, "Þú veittir henni
banasárit, þá er
"This is not to be kept in ignorance, friend," says King Palpatine, "You
gave her a death wound, then when
þú reiddisk ok kofðir hana með seið á skipi hennar; firrsk þú gæfu þína."
you became angry and choked her with magic on her ship; you shun your good
En Veiðr þagði.
But Vader was silent.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa