From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11353
Date: 2010-10-14
> I am still confused about the dual. If one person isYes.
> speaking to two, the dual is used. But,as the translation
> of "mun sokja ykkr barn aldrigi á Íslandi" the author
> has"..he will never seek you and the child on Iceland." So
> this is a construction like "They, Padme (and company)
> went on a ship?"
> Hon kyssti börnin, ok þá mælti hon: "Þeim var ek verst, erHere <þeim> is masculine singular: 'I was worst to him whom
> ek unna mest."
> She kissed the children and then she spoke, "I was worst
> to those who I love most."
> En inir írskir hirðmenn vildi ala þau upp í Þíðborg í<Aldiransveitum>, like <Aldiransveitir> later, is plural, so
> Aldiransveitum á Írlandi meðal konunglega frænda þeira.
> But the Irish retainers wanted to bring them up in
> Thidborg in Aldiran-district in Ireland among their royal
> kinsmen.
> "Tökum vér eitt barn með hana aptr til Írlands."Not so much 'Let us take', I think, as 'We will take'.
> "(Let us) take one child with her back to Ireland."
> "Tökum vér skip þitt," segir Beilorgana, "Ok mun AnakinnHere again I think that it's 'We will take'.
> himingangari spyrja tíðindi, at skip þitt er farit frá
> Íslandi, ok mun sœkja ykkr barn aldrigi á Íslandi.
> "(Let us) take your ship,"
> says Beilorgana, "And Anakinn skywalker will learnThe genitive would be <ykkar>; <ykkr> is dative/accusative,
> (the)news that your ship has sailed from Iceland, and (he)
> will never look for (dual) your child in Iceland.
> "Ok menn segja, at þat sé friðsamt land, ok eitt land ánThere's no 'not' there: 'and a land without weapons'.
> vápna.
> "And people say that it be a peaceful land and not a land
> without weapons.
> man ek eptir engum góðum köppum.The construction doesn't seem to be in CV or Zoëga, but
> I recall no good man of valour after.
> norrœnni ætt."Not 'northern', but 'Norse' (or sometimes 'Norwegian').
> northern family."