From: Fred and Grace Hatton Message: 11352 Date: 2010-10-14
I am still confused about the dual. If one person is speaking to two, the
dual is used. But,as the translation of "mun sokja ykkr barn aldrigi á
Íslandi" the author has"..he will never seek you and the child on Iceland."
So this is a construction like "They, Padme (and company) went on a ship?"
En Paðéma dróttning gaf engi gaum at Víga-Óbívani. Hon kyssti bornin, ok þá
But Queen Padme paid no heed to Slayer Obiwan. She kissed the children and
then she spoke,
hon: "Þeim var ek verst, er ek unna mest." Ok hon dó í sandi.
"I was worst to those who I love most." And she died on (the) sand
Nærri strond urpu þeir haug eptir Paðému dróttningu. En nú vissu menn eigi,
hvat gøra
Near (the) beach they raised a mound to Queen Padme. But now men didn't
know what
skyldu með bornum. Víga-Óbívan vildi at Óinn Kléggsson oli born upp, sá er
var skyldr
(they) should do with (the) children. Slayer Obiwan wanted that Oinn
son bring up (the) children, he who was related
þeim, því at hann var borinn af inni somu móður sem Anakinn himingangari. En
to them, because he was born of the same mother as Anakinn skywalker. But
írskir hirðmenn vildi ala þau upp í Þíðborg í Aldiransveitum á Írlandi meðal
konunglega frænda þeira.
Irish retainers wanted to bring them up in Thidborg in Aldiran-district in
Ireland among their royal kinsmen.
"En fyrst hljótum vér at finna aðrar konur at mjoltum," segir Víga-Óbívan
"But first we are obliged to find other women in milk," says Slayer Obiwan
Kvaeggan's son,
"Eða munu bornin deyja snart. Ok vegr er langr til Tattúínárdals eða annarra
sveita, þá er ek þekki vel."
"Or the children will die quickly. And (the) way is long to Tattuin River
Dale or other communities, those which I know well."
"En vér erum komin með eina konu, sú er í mjoltum nú, ok er hon írsk hirðmær
"But we have come with one woman, that one who (is) in milk now, and she is
an Irish retainer of Queen Padme's."
dróttningar," segir Beilorgana, hirðmaðr Paðému, "Tokum vér eitt barn með
hana aptr til Írlands."
Says Beilorgana, Padme's retainer., "(Let us) take one child with her back
to Ireland."
"Ér eigið ekki skip," segir Víga-Óbívan Kvæggansson.
"You have no ship," says Slayer Obiwan Kvaeggan's son.
"Tokum vér skip þitt," segir Beilorgana, "Ok mun Anakinn himingangari spyrja
"(Let us) take your ship," says Beilorgana, "And Anakinn skywalker will
learn (the)news
at skip þitt er farit frá Íslandi, ok mun sokja ykkr barn aldrigi á Íslandi.
En annat barn
that your ship has sailed from Iceland, and (he) will never look for (dual)
your child in Iceland. But another child
mun bíða á Írlandi í Aldiransveitum, ok þar eru margir góðir kappar."
will wait in Ireland in Aldiran-district, and there are many good men of
"Tíðindi hefi ek spurt um Aldiransveitir," mælti Víga-Óbívan, "Ok menn
segja, at þat sé
"I have asked about Aldiran-district," said Slayer Obiwan, "And people say
that it be
friðsamt land, ok eitt land án vápna. Ok var ek sjálfr opt nærri í víking
með foður minn
a peaceful land and not a land without weapons. And I was often myself near
in harrying with my father,
Kvæggan þá er hann lifði enn; man ek eptir engum góðum koppum. En ek
Kvaeggan, then when he still lived; I recall no good man of valour after.
But I agree
þessa ætlun sakir sveinbarns, ok skal hann búa hér á Íslandi með norronni
to this plan for the sake of the boy and he shall live here in Iceland with
(his) northern family."
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa
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