Star Wars XII part 3 - - Grace's translation
From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 11253
Date: 2010-08-19
"Hvat veiztu, um Paðému dróttning?" segir Anakinn.
"What do you know about Queen Padme?" says Anakinn.
"Víst mun hon deyja án seiðlækningar," segir konungr, "Ek hef fyrirsét þat.
"She will certainly die without magic healing," says (the) king, "I have
foreseen it. And
Jeðifjarðamenn munu eigi hjálpa henni svá. Ef þú vill bjarga þeiri
dróttningu ok því barni
men from the Jedi Firth will not help her thus. If you want to save this
queen and the child
er hon berr þér þrælbornum, er ek sá eini er mun þér duga. Á Írlandi eða á
Íslandi eða
which she bears, of yours, thrall-born, I am that one alone who will avail
you. In Ireland or in Iceland or
jafnvel meðal Jeðifjarða værirðu athlogi ok skóggangsmaðr, sá þræll er
spillti dróttningu.
even in the midst of the Jedi Firths you would be ridiculous and an outlaw,
that thrall who ruined the queen.
Hér geri ek þik ríkan hersi, já jarl - ef þú mér gefr þat síðasta brot ríkis
míns Nóregs. Ok er þat Jeðifirðir."
Here I make you a powerful lord, yes an earl, if you give me that last
fragment of my kingdom of Norway.
Maðr í blárri kápu stóð nú meðal hirðmanna, ok var hann Meis Vindússon. "Ek
hef þat
A man in a blue cape stood now in the midst of the king's men and he was
Meis Vindu' son. "I have heard
heyrt, at þú Falfaðinn konungr vildir þrælka Jeðifjarðamenn sem þú hefr oll
onnur heruð
it that you, King Palpatine, want make the Jedi Firth men thralls as you
have enthralled all other hosts?
þrælkuð. En vér munum eigi þjóna þér viljandi -" ok brá hann sverðinu.
But we will not serve you willingly" and he drew his sword.
Falfaðinn konungr bannaði hirðmonnum at verja sik, þó hann væri maðr gamall,
ok brá
King Palpatine forbade (his) king's men from defending him, although he was
an old man and drew
sjálfr sverði. En at lokum var Meis sterkari, ok hann Falfaðin afvápnaðan.
(his) sword himself. And at the end Meis was stronger and he disarmed
Anakinn mælti: "Þat er morð, at drepa mann afvápnaðan."
Anakinn spoke, "It is murder to kill an unarmed man."
En Meis Vindússon hjó til Falfaðins konungs. En Falfaðinn konungr seiddi
seið, ok
But Meis Vindu' son hewed at King Palpatine. But King Palpatine cast a
spell and
eldingar kvámu frá fingrunum konungi, svá at sverð snart hann eigi, en Meis
lightening came from the king's fingers so that (the) sword did not touch
him and Meis Vindu's son
brann. Brann Falfaðinn konungr ok, ok andlitit hans bráðnaði ok varð lýtt.
burned. King Palpatine burned also and his face burned and became scarred?
"Anakinn þrælsson," segir Meis Vindússon, "Vit gerum þér kost. Þú fær
borgnum mér
"Anakinn Thrall's son," says Meis Vindu's son, "We give you a choice. You
are able to save me
eða Falfaðni konungi. En ek einn kunna svá vinna, at gøra þér nýja
silfrhondina. Ok þú
or King Palpatine. But I alone am able so to work to make you a new silver
hand. And you
sér eiðrofi ok griðníðingr, ef frænda bandamanns þú drepir."
would be an oath breaker and truce breaker if you kill a kinsman of a
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa
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