Star Wars X part 1 - - Grace's translation

From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 11136
Date: 2010-06-18

X. Kapítuli: Frá bardaga í Jeðifjorðum

Of the battle in Jedi Firths

Víga-Óbívan sat margar víkur í fjotrum, ok menn gáfu honum lítinn mat ok
engi drykk

Slayer Obiwan sat many weeks in fetters and people gave him little food and
no drink

nema kalt vatn. Einn dag kvámu menn til hans ok báru hann til hólms, er þeir
bundu hann til trés.

except cold water. One day men came to him and carried him to an island
where they bound him to wood (or a tree).

"Ef ek em bundinn, fæ ek eigi brugðit sverði í hólmgongu," segir

"If I am bound, I am not able to draw a sword in a duel," says Slayer

"Þat er engi hólmganga, er þín bíðr," mælti maðr. "Þú ert drekifóðr."

"It is no duel, which awaits you," said a man. "You are dragon fodder."

Þá sá Víga-Óbívan, hvar Anakinn himingangari ok Paðéma dróttning gengu
bundin sem

Then Slayer Obiwan saw where Anakinn skywalker and Queen Padme walked bound
as he

hann, ok menn bundu þau til annarra trjá. Anakinn var næstr Víga-Óbívan.

and men bound them to other wood (or trees). Anakinn was nearest Slayer

Víga-Óbívan spurði, "Hví eruð it hér í Jeðifjorðum?"

Slayer Obiwan asked, "Why are you here in Jedi Firths?"

Anakinn sagði, "Vit várum á Íslandi ok kvámum aptr til Nóregs, en vit fórum
fyrst til

Anakinn said, "We were in Iceland and came back to Norway, and we went first

Færeyja ok várum gestir Jóða langfoður þíns. Hann dreymði eina nótt, at þú
vart í

(the) Faroes and were guests of Yoda, your ancestor. He dreamt one night
that you were in

Jeðifjorðum ok at fársfullir menn bundu þik. Vit erum komin til þess, at
bjarga þér, sem

Jedi Firths and that ill-natured men bound you. We are come for this
(reason) to save you, as

þú bjargaðir mér sveini í Tattúínárdal."

you saved me as a boy in Tattuine River Dale."

Þá kvað Víga-Óbívan, at þau Paðéma hofðu eigi dugat.

Then Slayer Obiwan said that they, (Anakinn) and Padme had not helped.

Þat var margir menn þar á fjoru nær hólmi, er skoðuðu þau. Dúkú Jóðason var
með þeim,

It was many men there at (the) beach near (the) island, who looked at them.
Duku Yoda's son was with them

ok annarr hofðingi, er kunni ekki norronu. Sjá maðr sagði nokkut til þeira
manna er

and another chieftain who understood no Norse. One man said something to
those men who

stóðu nær miklum durum í húsi. Þessir menn opnuðu dyrrnar, ok út kvámu þrjú

stood near great doors in a house. These men opened the doors and out came
three animals.

Dreki var þar er blés eldi; hann var gronn, ok með sex fótleggum. Þar var ok

There was a dragon which blew fire. It was green and with six legs. There
was also a great

graðungr; rauðr var hann, grimmt dýr með þrimr hornum. Þar var ok it óarga

bull. He was a red, fierce animal with three horns. There was also the?
great beast of prey.

Dreki kom fyrst til Víga-Óbívans, ok blés eldi í mót honum. En Víga-Óbívan
helt fjotrum

(The) dragon came first to Slayer Obiwan and blew fire against him. But
Slayer Obiwan held his fetters

sínum fyrir sik, ok eldrinn brenndi þá, svá at Víga-Óbívan hljóp undan
óbrenndr, en

before him and the fire burned them so that Slayer Obiwan leaped away
unburned but

hendrnar váru enn bundnar saman. Dreki gekk eptir honum ok reynði at fá hann
í klóum,

(his) shoulders were still bound together. (The) dragon went after him and
tried to get him in (his) claws,

eða at brjóta tré ok sló hann með bol. Ok hann blés eldi, ok brenndi morg
tré, ok Víga-

or to break (the) wood (or the tree) and smote him with (the) trunk of a
tree. And he blew fire and burned much wood (or many trees), and Slayer

Óbívan fekk eigi sik fólginn eða varðan.

Obiwan was not able to hide or defend himself.

Þeim monnum, er skoðuðu bardaga, líkaði stórilla at Víga-Óbívan lifði enn,
því at þeir

To those men who watched (the) fight, (it) was very displeasing that Slayer
Obiwan still lived, because they

hofðu trúat at dreki skyli eta hann, en þeir óttuðusk at dreki vildi eta þá,
ef hann fekk eigi

had believed that (the) dragon should eat him and they were afraid that
(the) dragon wanted to eat them if he didn't get

Víga-Óbívan. Nakkvarr maðr skaut spjóti til Víga-Óbívans, en hann tók á
lopti ok skaut

Slayer Obiwan. Some man shot at Slayer Obiwan with a spear and he grabbed
it aloft and shot

dreka. Dreki var lítt sárr af spjóti, ok síðan tók hann spjót í munni, ok
beit þat.

(the) dragon. (The) dragon was little wounded by (the) spear and afterwards
it took (the) spear in (its) mouth and bit it.

En meðan Víga-Óbívan ok dreki borðusk, tók inn stóri graðungr á Anakinn. En
þat er

And while Slayer Obiwan and (the) dragon fought with each other, the great
bull reached Anakinn. And it was

sagt af monnum, at Anakinn heitir Himin-gangari af því hann hljóp meir en
hæð sína. Nú

said by people that Anakin is called Skywalker for that (reason) he leaped
higher than his head. Now

hljóp hann á hrygg graðungs, ok allir er sá, undruðusk. Anakinn vatt fjotrar
sínar upp á

he leaped on (the) bull's back and all who saw were astonished. Anakinn
grasps his fetters up on

horn graðungs, ok graðungr var svá sterkr, at fjotrar sprungu sundr þegar.
Nú reið

(the) bull's horn and (the) bull was so strong that the fetters sprung apart
at once. Now

Anakinn graðungi.

Anakinn rides the bull.

Samtíðis vildi it óarga dýr eta Paðému dróttning. En hon hafði í hendi þann
írska kníf, ok

At the same time the very fierce beast wanted to eat Queen Padme. But she
had that Irish knife in hand and

sú náttura fylgði þessum knífi, at engi kunni sjá hann, nema Paðéma. Hon
sleit fjotrar

that property went with this knife, that none knew to see it except Padme.
She tore (slit) her fetters

sínar, ok klifraði þat tré, er hon var bundin til. En it óarga dýr klifraði
tré eptir henni, ok

and climbed that tree to which she was bound. But the very fierce beast
climbed (the) tree after her and

sló hana með klóunum. En hon hafði enn fjotrar í hendi, ok hon svipaði
dýrit, svá at þat kom eigi nærri.

smote her with the claws. But she still had fetters in hand and she moved
swiftly? (away from?) the beast so that it came no closer.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa

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