At 9:19:23 AM on Friday, June 18, 2010, Fred and Grace
Hatton wrote:
> Einn dag kvámu menn til hans ok báru hann til hólms, er
> þeir bundu hann til trés.
> One day men came to him and carried him to an island
> where they bound him to wood (or a tree).
I'm sure that it's 'to a tree' (and 'to other trees' when
Anakinn and Paðéma appear).
> Þá kvað Víga-Óbívan, at þau Paðéma höfðu eigi dugat.
> Then Slayer Obiwan said that they, (Anakinn) and Padme had
> not helped.
Looking at the range of the senses of <duga>, I've a
suspicion that the flavor is closer to 'had not succeeded in
helping', 'had been insufficient help'.
> Sjá maðr sagði nokkut til þeira manna
> One man said something to those men
'This man': <sjá> is an alternative to <þessi>. (It has an
entry in Z. just before the one for the verb 'to see'.)
> Þar var ok it óarga dýr.
> There was also the? great beast of prey.
Z. says that <hit úarga dýr> (= <it óarga dýr>), though
literally 'the fierce animal', can refer more specifically
to the lion: 'There was also a lion'. That seems likely to
be the intent here (and of course when it reappears below).
> ... svá at Víga-Óbívan hljóp undan óbrenndr, en hendrnar
> váru enn bundnar saman.
> ... so that Slayer Obiwan leaped away unburned but (his)
> shoulders were still bound together.
<Hendrnar> is the nom. plur. of <hönd> plus the definite
article: 'but his hands were still bound together'.
> Dreki gekk eptir honum ok reynði at fá hann í klóum, eða
> at brjóta tré ok sló hann með bol.
> (The) dragon went after him and tried to get him in (his)
> claws, or to break (the) wood (or the tree) and smote him
> with (the) trunk of a tree.
I suspect that it's intended to be 'or to break a tree and
strike him with [the] trunk'; I wonder whether <sló> is an
error for the infinitive <slá>, parallel to <brjóta>.
> Ok hann blés eldi, ok brenndi mörg tré,
> And he blew fire and burned much wood (or many trees),
The use of <mörg> 'many' is a further indication that it's
'tree(s)' rather than 'wood'.
> En þat er sagt af mönnum,
> And it was said by people
'Is said'.
> Anakinn vatt fjötrar sínar upp á horn graðungs,
> Anakinn grasps his fetters up on (the) bull's horn
<Vatt> is from <vinda>: he wound his fetters upon (i.e.,
around) the bull's horns. (Here <horn> could be singular or
plural, but in context the plural makes more sense.)
> Nú reið Anakinn graðungi.
> Now Anakinn rides the bull.
<Reið> is past tense; the present would be <ríðr>.
> ... at engi kunni sjá hann, nema Paðéma.
> ... that none knew to see it except Padme.
<Kunna> with an infinitive is 'to be able to' (Z. s.v.
<kunna> (10)), so it's 'that none could see it except P.'.
> ok klifraði þat tré, er hon var bundin til.
> and climbed that tree to which she was bound.
Having cut the fetters, she's no longer bound to it, so
English requires 'to which she had been bound', even if it
doesn't exactly match the ON tense.
> En hon hafði enn fjötrar í hendi, ok hon svipaði dýrit,
> svá at þat kom eigi nærri.
> But she still had fetters in hand and she moved swiftly?
> (away from?) the beast so that it came no closer.
This is the other <svipa>, 'to whip, to horsewhip': she
whipped the beast (with the fetters).