From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 10780
Date: 2009-12-11
> Vindum, vindumWind, wind
> vef darraðar,
> þann er ungr konungr
> átti fyrri.
> Fram skulum ganga
> og í fólk vaða
> þar er vinir vorir
> vopnum skipta.
> Let us wind, let us wind
> (the) weft of war,
> that which (the) young king
> fought? before.
> Let us go forward
> and wade into the folk
> there where our friends
> share (blows?) of weapons.
> Let us wind, let us wind
> (the) web of spears (woof of war),
> that which (the) young king
> fought (see eiga, Z5) before (earlier).
> We shall go (on foot) forward (ie advance)
> and rush (vaða, Z2) into battle (see fólk, poet, Z5)
> there where our friends
> bandy (cf skipta orðum við e-n, Z6) weapons
> Vindum, vindumWind, wind
> vef darraðar
> og siklingi
> síðan fylgjum.
> Þar sjá bragna
> blóðgar randir
> Gunnr og Göndul
> er grami hlífðu.
> Let us wind, let us wind
> (the) weft of war,
> and afterwards let us help the king.
> There to see bloody shields of heroes
> Gunnr and Gondul
> who protected the king.
> Let us wind, Let us wind
> (the) web of spears (woof of war),
> and
> after-that let us follow (accompany, fylgja + dat) (the) king.
> There see
> (the) made-bloody shields of men*
> Gunn and Göndul
> who protected (hlífa + dat) (the) king.
> (Gunn and Göndul see there the bloodied shields of men who
> protected the king)
> Vindum, vindumWind, wind
> vef darraðar
> þar er vé vaða
> vígra manna.
> Látum eigi
> líf hans farast,
> eiga valkyrjur
> vals um kosti.
> Let us wind, let us wind
> (the) weft of war
> there where ?? wade
> of men in fighting condition.
> Let us not allow
> his life to perish?
> valkyries have
> (the) choice of the slain.
> Let us wind, let us wind
> (the) web of spears (woof of war),
> there where (the) standards
> of men skilled-at-arms rush-through* (see vaða, Z2)
> Let us not allow
> his life to perish (see farast, Z17),
> (The) Valkyrie (slain-choosers) have
> (the) choice of (the) slain (have the slain in their power).
> Þeir munu lýðirThose people will
> löndum ráða
> er útskaga
> áðr um byggðu.
> Kveð eg ríkum gram
> ráðinn dauða.
> Nú er fyrir oddum
> jarlmaðr hniginn.
> Those men will
> rule lands
> which distant headlands
> before (the lands?) are settled.
> I declare king (has?) dominion
> determined? (over?) the dead.
> Now is by (spear) points
> the earl fallen dead.
> Those men (lýðr, Z3) will
> govern (rule, see ráða + dat, Z8) (the) lands
> who inhabited* (the) outlying-nesses
> before.
> I declare (a) king with kingdoms
> (to be) certain (see ráðinn, Z2) of death
> Now by spears (or spear points) is
> (the) earls follower fallen-dead.