From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 10694
Date: 2009-11-07
> Það var einu hverju sinni að þeir fengu (fá) áföll (pl ofNor do I; I translate it as you do. (So does Finnur
> áfall) stór þrjú nokkur.
> That was one particular time that they received some three
> great blows (from waves) (? MM&HP say the waves were
> threefold in size rather than in number but I don´t know
> why).
> It was one certain time that they endured some three veryZoëga s.v. <sinn> says that <einhverju sinni> = <eitt sitt>
> heavy seas (enormous waves).
> Sagði Flosi þá að þeir mundu nokkur vera í nánd löndum ogI think that 'must be' is closer to the intended sense than
> þetta væru grunnföll.
> Flose said to them that they would be somewhere in
> proximity to land and (that) this was breakers-on-a-shoal.
> Flosi said then that they would be somewhat in the
> vicinity of land and these were breakers on a shoal.
> en skip braut allt í spón'But (the) ship broke all to spoons'? <g>
> "Fá máttum vér betri landtöku," segir Flosi, "því að Helgi<Máttum> is from <mega>; with an infinitive it's 'be able
> Njálsson var hirðmaður Sigurðar jarls Hlöðvissonar er eg
> vó."
> We might receive better landing (I can think of better
> places to land), says Flosi,because Helgi Njáls-son was
> (the) kings-man of Earl Sigurð Hlöðvis-son who I
> slew.
> "We might (have) got better landfall," says Flosi,
> "because Helgi Njall's son, who I slew, was a king's man
> of Sigurd, earl of Hlodviss."
> Fóru þeir þá til þess er þeir fundu menn þá er þeim vísuðuPerhaps it's what you meant, but I'd make it 'showed them
> til jarls.
> They went then to that (point) where (ie until) they met
> those men who showed them to (the) earl.
> Then they went (along) until this when they met men, they<þess> is the genitive of <þat>, so it's 'that' rather than
> who directed them to the earl.
> Jarl spurði hvað manna þeir væru.<Hvat> with the genitive is 'what kind of' (Zoëga s.v.
> (The) earl asked what (kind) of men they were.
> The earl asked what men they were.
> Flosi nefndi sig og sagði úr hverri sveit hann var afI agree with Alan: 'district, community' seems much the
> Íslandi.
> Flosi named himself and said out-of which district he was
> from Iceland.
> Flosi gave his name and said out of which company he was
> from Iceland.