Thanks, Alan and Brian!

From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 10618
Date: 2009-09-24

Thanks for these, Alan!
því að þeir kenndu ferð Halls.
because they recognised Hall's behavior (manner, Z2 possibly seems to
fit better here?).

Um morguninn eftir vakti (vekja, not vaka) Hallur til máls við Þorgeir
ef hann vildi sættast
During the morning after Hall raised the question (see vekja til máls,
Z5) with Þorgeir if he wanted to-come-to-terms

Hallur seldi (selja) önnur í móti er hann hafði tekið af Flosa
Hall made-over another (truce) in return which he had taken from (on behalf
of) Flosi

And thanks for these, Brian!

> Þeir kváðu hann með nokkuru góðu fara mundu.

> They declared (they) would go him with some good (?).

CV s.v. <góðr> (III) has <fara með góðu> 'to bring good',
and another edition has <Þeir sögðu hann mundu hafa gott
ørendi>, so I take it to mean something like 'They said
that he would be on a good errand'.


> Kári mælti: "Þess vil eg biðja þig, Þorgeir vinur, að þú
> sættist því að þinn hlutur má ekki verða betri en góður."

> Kári spoke: 'I want to offer you that, friend Þorgeir,
> that you come-to-terms because your (bargaining) position
> may not become better than good (the good one you now
> enjoy?).'

Not 'offer', but 'ask, beg'; Kári has his own agenda, but he
wants the best for Þorgeirr. I agree with your
interpretation of the last bit, except that <má> is from
<mega>, so the statement is even stronger: 'your
(bargaining) position cannot become better', i.e., Þ. will
never be in a better position.


> En Þorgeir vildi eigi fyrr sættast en Kári sagði á ósátt
> sína ef hann sættist eigi.

> But Þorgeir wanted not to come-to-terms before Kári
> expressed his disagreement to (it)(?) if he did not
> come-to-terms.

But Þ. would not come to terms before (i.e., until) K.
expressed his displeasure if he (= Þ.) did not come to

Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa

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