From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 10501
Date: 2009-07-24
> Í annað sinn stefndi hann Flosa og Eyjólfi um þá sök erI'd 'He again summoned F & E' or perhaps 'A second time he
> Another time he summoned Flosi and Eyjolf concerning this
> charge that
> Slíkrar stefnu stefndi hann Eyjólfi Bölverkssyni um það er<Slíkrar> is the fem. gen. sing. strong adjectival
> hann hafði þegið féið.
> Similarly? he summoned in a summons Eyjolf Bolverk's son
> concerning that that he had accepted mone (bribes).
> Í annað sinn stefndi hann Flosa og Eyjólfi um þá sök erI'd 'He again summoned F & E' or perhaps 'A second time he
> Another time he summoned Flosi and Eyjolf concerning this
> charge that
> þeir báru vætti þau á þingi er eigi áttu máli að skiptaThis time it's <með mönnum> 'with men'; my best guess is
> með mönnum að lögum og gerðu í
> they bore those testimonies at the Thing that did not bear
> on the case with them
> in accordance with the law and created in[...]
> Þar var þá fimmtardómurinn settur.'The Fifth Court was then in session there' is perhaps a
> Then the fifth court was seated there.
> Þá er þeir Ásgrímur og Mörður voru í braut gengnir þá urðuEnglish allows the same omission: 'because some wanted to
> dómendur ekki ásáttir hversu
> Then when they, Asgrim and Mord, were gone away, then
> (the) judges did not become agreed how
> dæma skyldi því að þeir vildu sumir dæma með Flosa en
> sumir með Merði og Ásgrími.
> that should be judged because some of them wanted to judge
> for Flosi but some (wanted to go) with Mord and Asgrim.
> Urðu þeir Flosi og Eyjólfur þá að vefengja dóminn.<Stefnurnar> is the nom. pl. of <stefna> with the definite
> Dvaldist þeim þar að því meðan stefnurnar höfðu verið.
> Then they, Flosi and Eyjolf, wound up with a divided
> court. They remained there for that while (they) had been
> summoned.
> Litlu síðar var þeim sagt Flosa og Eyjólfi að þeim var<Tveim stefnum> is a dative of respect: 'with two summonses
> stefnt að Lögbergi í fimmtardóm
> A little later (it) was told to them, Flosi and Eyjolf,
> that they were summoned to the Law Rock in fifth court
> tveim stefnum hvorum þeirra.
> two summons to each of them.
> Hefir hér nú fram komið slægð Þórhalls og er hann engumZoëga s.v. <líkr> (1): ... and he has no match in his wit.
> manni líkur að viti sínu.
> Here has now Thorhall's slyness come forward and he is
> like no man as to his knowledge?
> Eiga þeir nú fyrri að sækja í dóm sín mál. Lá þeim þar og<Lá> is past tense, and you've overlooked <þeim>: All was at
> allt við.
> They now have a right to prosecute their case in court
> before (us). Everything lies there at stake.
> og bauð að hlýða til eiðspjalls síns og til framsögu sakar<Bjóða> here seems to have a sense in the 'bid, invite,
> sinnar og til sóknargagna þeirra allra er hann hugði fram
> að bera á hendur þeim Flosa og Eyjólfi.
> and offered to listen to their oaths and to presentation
> of their lawsuit and to all their proofs of a defence
> which he could think of to charge them, Flosi and Eyjolf,
> (with).
> Í fimmtardómi skyldi og sönnunarmenn fylgja eiðum ogA <sannaðarmaðr> is 'one who vouches for another's word or
> skyldu þeir og eiða vinna.
> In fifth court should also evidence men observe oaths and
> they should also perform oaths.