--- In
norse_course@yahoogroups.com, "Fred and Grace Hatton" <hatton@...> wrote:
> og skyldi þessi
> hringur eigi verða þér að höfuðbana."
> and
> should this ring now become for you a bane on (you) head."
"and this ring must not become the death of you"
"and this ring must not be your bane"
Maybe it could be paraphrased: "and you must not let this ring be the death of you". MM & HP have "I only hope that it does not cost you your life".
> Nú er þar til máls að taka að Ásgrímur Elliða-Grímsson er og Kári
Sölmundarson að þeir fundust allir saman
> Now (it) is time to take (up the story) when Asgrim Ellida-Grim's son and Kari Solmund's son, that they all met together
I think the second "að" serves as a relative particle, equivalent to <er>.
<þar...að> = <þar...er> "where"
"Now we must take up the story [Now it's time to speak] of where Ásgrím(u)r is, and Kári Sölmundarson, [and of how it was] that they all met..."
> Sýnist mér sem vér munum verða að gera ráð vort í annan stað
"It seems to be that we'll have to make plans of our own" (or "for our part"). <í annan stað> contrasts with *them* (our enemies).
> mun brátt verða að lýsa sökum
<verða að> "must, to have to, to be obliged to"
"the cases will soon have to be given notice of", "notice will soon have to be given of the cases", MM & HP "it will soon be time to give notice of them".
> Gissur kvaðst það mundu til leggja.
> Gissur said it would ??
"Gissur (Gizurr) said that he would do his part". Ásgrím(u)r asks him to join in with their asking for support, and Gissur agrees. <leggja til> "to contribute/offer help/advice".