Thanks for your help, Brian!

> Flosi mælti til Ásgríms: "Hér munum vér nú skiljast heilir
> og finnast á þingi og taka þar til óspilltra mála."

> Flosi spoke to Asgrim, "We will part here now safely and
> meet one another at (the) Thing and there take up an
> unspoiled ? case."

Zoëga s.v. <úspilltr> notes the idiom <taka til úspilltra
mála> 'to fight out in real earnest'.

> "Svo mun vera," segir Ásgrímur, "og mundi eg það vilja, um
> það er þessu þingi er lokið, að þér færuð lægra."

> "So will (it) be," says Asgrim, "and I would want
> concerning it when this Thing is ended that you go more
> ??"

Here <um> has the sense 'at a point in time', and <um þat er
þessu þingi er lokið> is 'when this Thing is ended'
(literally 'at that (moment) when ...'). <Færuð> is 2nd
person plur. past tense of <færa> (Zoëga's <fora>,
preserving the etymological vowel) 'to bring, convey;
present; remove'. <Lægra> is the comparative of <lágr>
'low'; Zoëga s.v. <lágr> notes the idiom <fara lægra> 'to be
lowered, humbled', and <fora lægra> appears to have the same
sense. (I'd have expected <forið>, the 2nd person plur.
subjunctive of <fara>.) At any rate, it seems to be 'and I
would desire that when the Thing is ended you were humbled'.


> En um morguninn riðu þeir fram á Beitivöllu og áðu þar.

> But during the morning they rode forward to Beitivellir
> and ?? there.

<Áðu> is 2nd pers. plur. past of <æja> 'to stop for food and


> Mundu þeir þó muna harmsakar sínar þó að þeir væru eigi af
> nýju á minntir en þeim mönnum allvant um er svo leita
> annarra manna þunglega."

> step. They would still recall (the) cause of their grief
> even though they were not reminded anew and to those men
> one is in a very great strait concerning when so to act
> (towards) other men with difficulty??"

'... and those men are in a very great strait who so
"heavily" act towards other men', i.e., 'who so
press/provoke other men'. Here <er> is the relative


Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa