-This is strange Alan - I am up early it's not quite seven o'clock and I have seen that you sent in three translations - one - the first did not have anything in it - then there were two that to me seemed perfect I have to reply on line here - or my message may not get through - It seems we are all having very similar problems - I hope this will soon be resolved
-- In
norse_course@yahoogroups.com, "AThompson" <athompso@...> wrote:
> Take 2
> -----Original Message-----
> From: AThompson [mailto:athompso@...]
> Sent: Friday, 10 April 2009 11:47 AM
> To: 'norse_course@yahoogroups.com'
> Subject: RE: [norse_course] Njall 135 part 2 / Alan's Translation
> Hereâs my translation. A couple of points of syntax (underlined) that I am uncertain about.
> Kveðja
> Alan
> Kári þakkaði honum sÃna ráðagerð. Ekki talaði Kári um liðveislu við hann þvÃ
> Kári thanked him for his plan-of-action. Kári talked not about support with him (Gizur) because
> að hann ætlaði að það mundi honum fara vinveittlega sem annað.
> he expected that, that (it) would go friendlily with him (see fara, impers, Z10) (ie he, Gizur, would behave friendlily) like (it would be with/in any) other (person? matter? case?).
> Kári reið þaðan austur yfir ár og svo til FljótshlÃðar og austur yfir
> Kári rode from there east over (the) river and so to FljótshlÃð and east over
> Markarfljót og svo til Seljalandsmúla. Ãeir rÃða austur à Holt. Ãorgeir tók
> Markarfljót (Forest River) and so to Seljalandsmúli (- Mull, thereâs a beautiful waterfall there). They ride east into Holt. Ãorgeir received
> við þeim með hinni mestu blÃðu. Hann sagði þeim um ferðir Flosa og hversu
> them with the greatest friendliness. He said to them about Flosiâs journeys (movements) and how
> mikið lið hann hafði þegið (þiggja) à Austfjörðum. Kári sagði að það var vorkunn (várkunn) að
> great a band he had received in (the) East Fjords. Kári said that that was something-to-be-expected that
> hann bæði (bjóða, 3p sg pret subj) sér liðs svo mörgu (margr) sem hann mundi svara eiga.
> he (would) invite to himself troops as much as (commensurate with what (?)) he would be-obliged-to answer (for)
> Ãorgeir mælti: "Ãvà betur er þeim fer öllum verr af."
> Ãorgeir spoke: âFor that (reason) (it is) better when (it) goes for them all worse, (ie when they all behave worse, see e-m ferr illa, impers under fara, Z10) from (this).
> Kári segir Ãorgeiri tillögur Gissurar.
> Kári says to Ãorgeir Gizurâs counsels.
> SÃðan riðu þeir austan á Rangárvöllu til Marðar Valgarðssonar. Hann tók vel
> After-that they ride from-(the)-east (ie west) to Rangárvöll (Rang River Plain) to Mörð Valgarðâs-son. He received
> við þeim. Kári sagði honum orðsending Gissurar mágs hans. Hann tók seinlega
> them. Kári said to him (the) message of Gizur, his in-law, He took that on-board slowly, reluctantly (he was slow to answer, see taka undir, Z12)
> undir það og kvað meira að sækja Flosa einn en tÃu aðra.
> and declared (it to be) more (difficult) to seek (pursue, prosecute) Flosi alone than ten other (persons).
> Kári mælti: "Jafnt fer þér þetta sem hann ætlaði þvà að þér eru allir hlutir
> Kári spoke: â(It) goes with you just (equally) as he expected because with you are all things
> illa gefnir (gefa). Ãú ert bæði hræddur og huglaus enda skal það á bak koma sem þér
> badly given (you´re a miserable old bastard). You are both afraid and cowardly, and-moreover that shall come to attack you in the rear (bite you in the arse, see koma á bak e-m, bak, Z3) which .
> er maklegt að Ãorkatla skal fara heim til föður sÃns."
> is proper (ie you will get what you deserve) that Ãorkatla shall go home to her father.â
> Hún bjóst þegar og kvaðst þess fyrir löngu búin að skildi með þeim Merði.
> She made-ready (to go) at-once and declared-of-herself ready for a long time that (it should) split between them (ie that they part, see skilr með þeim, impers, under skilja Z9), Mörð (and herself).
> Mörður skipti þá skjótt skapi sÃnu og svo orðum og bað (biðja) af sér reiði og tók
> Mörð changed then quickly his condition of mind (attitude) and also (his) words and asked for (their) anger towards himself (to go) off (?) (ie, for their pardon (see biðja af sér reiði e-s, under reiði, Z1) and accepted
> þegar við málinu.
> at once the case.
> Kári mælti þá: "Nú hefir þú tekið við málinu og sæk nú óhræddur þvà að lÃf
> Kári spoke then: âNow you have accepted the case and (so) now prosecute (it) unafraid (fearless) because your life
> þitt liggur við."
> lies with (it) (ie depends on it).â
> Mörður kvaðst allan hug skyldu á leggja að gera þetta vel og drengilega.
> Mörð declared-of-himself (that he) should put (his) whole heart into (it) and do this well and nobly.
> Eftir það stefndi Mörður til sÃn nÃu búum. Ãeir voru allir vettvangsbúar (vættvangsbúar).
> After that, Mörð summoned to him nine neighbours. They were all neighbours-to-the-scene-of-action.
> Mörður tók þá à hönd Ãorgeiri og nefndi votta tvo "à það vætti að Ãorgeir
> Mörð took then Ãorgeir in hand and named two witnesses âin that testimony that Ãorgeir
> Ãórisson selur mér vÃgsök á hendur Flosa Ãórðarsyni að sækja um vÃg Helga
> Ãóriâs-son gives to me the case-of-manslaughter against Flosi Ãórðâs-son to prosecute concerning (the) slaying of Helgi
> Njálssonar með sóknargögnum þeim öllum er sökinni eiga að fylgja. Selur þú
> Njálâs-son with all those proofs-for-a-prosecution (pieces of evidence) which are obliged to (ie necessarily) accompany the prosecution. You give
> mér sök þessa að sækja og að sættast á, svo allra gagna að njóta sem eg sé
> to me this case to prosecute and to come-to-terms on, thus to make-use-of all proofs (evidence) as (if) I be
> réttur aðili. Selur þú með lögum en eg tek með lögum."
> (the) true chief-prosecutor.You give (it) in-law (lawfully) and I take (it) in-law (lawfully).
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