From: llama_nom
Message: 9515
Date: 2008-08-06
> að byggja landið ef þeir mættu þaðThat's right.
> to settle in the land if they were able.
> heilu og höldnuYes.
> safe and sound
> griðung einn"(this) one bull", "a bull"
> one (?particular) Bull
> Þá urðu þeir varir við Skrælingja og fór þar úr skógi fram mikillflokkur manna.
> then they were wary/anxious of the Skraelings and went out (only) inlarge numbers (You'll never walk alone)
> og lögðu undan með byrðar sínar"fled with their burdens" (see my comments on Grace's translation).
> and laid down their burdens