Njal 101end/begin 102 Patricia's Translation

From: Patricia
Message: 9235
Date: 2008-05-08

Well I was happy with this until the poetry - there was none in the last assignment and I found that last bit of #101 reasonably easy
Any comments - good or ill will be welcomed
Over to you Grace and Alan
Þá er Þangbrandur reið austan þá brast í sundur jörðin undir hesti hans en
hann hljóp af hestinum
Then when Thangbrand was riding Westwards (austan - from the East)  the Earth split open under his horse
og komst upp á bakkann en jörðin svalg hestinn með
öllum reiðingi og sáu þeir hann aldrei síðan.
but he leapt off and climbed (refl Komst -upp Z5 escaped) out of the chasm
(bakki is bank but this was deep) and the Earth swallowed the horse with all it's harness/riding gear and they saw him never after that
(he was never seen again)
Þá lofaði Þangbrandur guð.
Then Thangbrand praised God
102. kafli
Guðleifur leitar nú Galdra-Héðins og finnur hann á heiðinni og eltir hann
ofan að Kerlingardalsá
Guðleif went now looking for Sorcerer Heðin and found him on the heath
and chased him down to KerlingarDale River
og komst í skotfæri við hann og skýtur til hans
spjóti og í gegnum hann.
and he came into shot-range of him and he shot at him and the
spear went through him
Þaðan fóru þeir til Dyrhólma og áttu þar fund og boðaði Þangbrandur þar trú
og kristnaði þar Ingjald son Þorkels Háeyjartyrðils.
From there they went to Dyrholm and had a meeting and there Thangbrand preached the Faith and baptised Ingjald son of Thorkel Háejartyrdil
Þaðan fóru þeir til Fljótshlíðar og boðuðu þar trú.
Thence they went to Fljotshlið and they preached the Faith there.
Þar mælti mest í mót
Veturliði skáld og Ari son hans og fyrir það vógu þeir Veturliða.
There spoke most against/in opposition - Veturliði Skald and Ari his son and so they killed Veturliði 
Og er þar um kveðin vísa þessi:
And this verse was made/composed about it
Ryðfjónar gekk reynir
Ryð-fjóra (?red-Hatred) went the Tester
randa suðr á landi
shield south on the Land
beðs í bæna smiðju
In the place of the prayer smithy/forge
Baldrs sigtólum halda.
Baldur's victory tools were held
Siðreynir lét síðan
The Tester let (go) after
snjallr morðhamar gjalla
Valiant Death hammer ringing
hauðrs í hattar steðja
The circle of the head to stop
hjaldrs Vetrliða skaldi.
The Sword of Skald Vetrliði
Þaðan fór Þangbrandur til Bergþórshvols og tók Njáll við trú og öll hjú
From there Thangbrand went to Bergthor's Knoll and Njal took the Faith and all his household
En Mörður Valgarðsson gekk mest í móti.
And Morð Valgardsson went most in opposition
Þeir fóru þaðan út yfir ár.
Þeir fóru í Haukadal og skírðu þar Hall og var hann þá þrevetur.
They went from there out/away over the river to Haukdale and baptised there Hall and he was (only) three years old
Þaðan fóru þeir til Grímsness.
Then after that they went to Grimsness 
Þar efldi flokk í móti þeim Þorvaldur hinn
veili og sendi orð Úlfi Uggasyni að hann skyldi fara að Þangbrandi og drepa
hann og kvað til vísu þessa:
There Thorvald the sick gathered a band(?flock) against them and sent word to Ulf Uggasson that he should attack Thangbrand and kill him and
recited/declared it in this verse
Yggs bjálfa mun eg Úlfi
Yggs skin I would to Ulf
Endils um boð senda,
(?) Fondly send a prayer
mér er við stála stýri
to me is the steerer of steel
stugglaust, syni Ugga.
from this abhorrence - the son of Ugga
að gnýskúta Geitis
against the noise of Geitir (the Giant)
goðvarg fyrir argan,
The God-Wolf (or God-Worrier) most cowardly
þann er við rögn um regnir,
Then he with the regin (Gods) rule
reki hann en eg annan.
and I take the other  (choosing the better option for himself -
well they called him sick)
After I had done this bit - I checked  out the other translations
that I have - and I think  they have exercised their imagination -
 or else I have lost mine

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