Njall 97 end + beginning 98 - - Grace's translation
From: Fred and Grace Hatton Message: 9163 Date: 2008-04-10
Þá kvaddi Njáll sér hljóðs og mælti: "Það er mörgum mönnum kunnigt hversu
farið hefir
Then Njall summoned (people) to him in secret and spoke, "It is known to
many people how (it) has gone
með oss sonum mínum og Grjótármönnum að þeir drápu Þráin Sigfússon en var
sæst á
with us, my sons (and I) and (the) Grjot River people that they killed
Thrain Sigfus' son but was (the) case was reconciled
málið og eg tók við Höskuldi syni Þráins. Hefi eg nú ráðið honum kvonfang ef
hann fær
and I took Hoskuld, Thrain's son, with (me). I have now advised him
(regarding) marriage if he gets
goðorð nokkuð en engi vill selja sitt goðorð. Vil eg nú biðja yður að þér
leyfið að eg taki
any chieftainship but none will turn over their chieftainships. I wish now
to ask that you allow that I take
upp nýtt goðorð á Hvítanesi til handa Höskuldi."
up a new chieftainship at Hvitaness for Hoskuld."
Hann fékk það lof af öllum. Tekur Njáll nú upp goðorðið til handa Höskuldi
og var hann
He arranged it (to be) permitted by all. Now Njall takes up a chieftainship
for Hoskuld and he was
síðan kallaður Höskuldur Hvítanesgoði.
afterwards called Hoskuld Hvitaness Chieftain.
Eftir þetta ríða menn heim af þingi.
After that people ride home from (the) Thing.
Njáll dvaldist skamma stund heima áður hann reið austur til Svínafells og
synir hans og
Njall remained a short while at home before he rode east to Svinafell and
his sons and
Höskuldur og vekur bónorðið við Flosa en hann kveðst efna mundu öll mál við
þá. Var
Hoskuld and mentions (the marriage) proposal to Flosi and he said he would
perform all
agreements with them.
þá Hildigunnur föstnuð Höskuldi og kveðið á brúðlaupsstefnu og lýkur svo með
þeim. Ríða þeir þá heim.
Hildigunn was then engaged to Hoskuld and wedding invitations declared and
so (it) ended with them. They ride home then.
En í annað sinn riðu þeir til brúðlaups. Leysti Flosi út allt fé Hildigunnar
eftir boðið og
And at another time they rode to (the) wedding. Flosi released all the
money to Hildigunn after the wedding feast and
greiddi vel af hendi. Fóru þau til Bergþórshvols og voru þar þau misseri og
fór allt vel
paid it out well. They went to Bergthor's Knoll and they were there those
season (over the winter) and all went well
með þeim Hildigunni og Bergþóru. Um vorið eftir keypti Njáll land í Ossabæ
og fær það
between them, Hildigunn and Bergthora. During the following spring, Njall
bought land in Ossabay and gave it to
Höskuldi og fer hann þangað byggðum sínum. Njáll réð honum hjón öll. Og svo
var dátt
Hoskuld and he builds thither his habitation. Njall advised him on all of
the house servants. And so was ?
með þeim öllum saman að engum þótti ráð ráðið nema þeir réðu allir um. Bjó
with all of them together that none thought to decide on a plan unless they
all decided on (it). Hoskuld lived
í Ossabæ lengi svo að hvorir studdu annarra sæmd og voru synir Njáls í
ferðum með
in Ossabay a long time so that each rested on the other's honour and Njall's
sons were united with
Höskuldi. Svo var ákaft um vináttu þeirra að hvorir buðu öðrum heim hvert
haust og gáfu
Hoskuld. So fervent was their friendship that each invited the other home
each fall and gave
stórgjafar. Fer svo lengi fram.
handsome gifts. (It) went so for a long time forward.
98. kafli
Maður hét Lýtingur. Hann bjó á Sámsstöðum. Hann átti þá konu er Steinvör
hét. Hún var
A mand was called Lyting. He lived at Sam's Stead. He had then a wife who
was called Steinvor. She was
Sigfúsdóttir, systir Þráins. Lýtingur var mikill maður vexti og styrkur og
auðigur að fé, illur viðureignar.
Sigfus' daughter, sister of Thrain. Lyting was a very tall-grown man and
strong and wealthy as to money, (but) hard to deal with.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa