--- In norse_course@yahoogroups.com, "Andrew Higgins" <asthiggins@...>

> I'm wondering if any on this list would be interested in doing some
> analysis of verse (currently working through Fagrskinna excerpts) and
> give some pointers on how to tackle verse translations.

Post anything you like; I'll help if I can, although there's a lot I
still don't know. Some links relating to Old Norse verse, in case you
haven't found them already:

Jormungrund (texts, essays, Lexicon Poeticum, dictionary of kennings)

Septentrionalia: The Medieval North (Lexicon Poeticum + texts and
grammars) http://www.septentrionalia.net/index.php

Skaldic Poetry of the Scandinavian Middel Ages (database, sample
texts) http://www.skaldic.arts.usyd.edu.au/

Lexicon Poeticum Antiquae Linguae Septentrionalis (Sveinbjörn
Egilsson, 1860)

Lexicon Islandico-Latino-Danicum (Björn Halldórsson, 1814)