Njal 95-end + 96 + 97 to begin Patricia's Translation

From: Patricia
Message: 9117
Date: 2008-03-27

Flosi bjó að Svínafelli og var höfðingi mikill. Hann var mikill vexti og
styrkur, manna kappsamastur.
Flosi lived at Svinafell (Pig's Hill) and he was a Great chiftain. He was big and strong, an impetuous/forceful man (CV)
Bróðir hans hét Starkaður. Hann var eigi sammæðra við Flosa.
His Brother was names Starkað. He was not of the same Mother as Flosi
Móðir Starkaðar
var Þraslaug dóttir Þorsteins tittlings Geirleifssonar
Mother of Starkað was Thraslaug daughter of Thorstein Sparrow
son of Geirleif
en móðir Þraslaugar
var Unnur dóttir Eyvindar karfa landnámamanns og systir Móðólfs hins spaka.
and the mother of Thraslaug was Unn - daughter of Eyvind Karfi - (?karfa - unsteady) a settler, and (she was) a sister to Modolf the wise.
[Zoega has spaka being wise with a suggestion of prophetic vision]
[a landnama maðr would be likely to be of the first families and have his name in the LandnamasBok- (Z)]
Bræður Flosa voru þeir Þorgeir og Steinn, Kolbeinn og Egill.
Brothers of Flosi were they Thorgeir, and Steinn,  Kolbein, and Egil.
Hildigunnur hét dóttir Starkaðar bróður Flosa. Hún var skörungur mikill og kvenna fríðust sýnum.
Hildigun (she) was named the daughter of Starkað brother of Flosi,
She was a notable/outstanding woman (Z), tall and clearly the most beautiful/attractive of women
Hún var svo hög að fár konur voru jafn hagar.
She was thus (svá CV) with few women as equally skillful (not one of her make among them) 
Hún var allra kvenna grimmust og skaphörðust en drengur góður þar sem vel skyldi  vera.
She was among all women most stern(Z) ((Z) superlative) and most harsh of mood(Z) but good of heart (Z)/gallant (G)  when/where she
ought (G) to be
[There's a lot of us like that ]
96. kafli
Hallur hét maður er kallaður var Síðu-Hallur. Hann var Þorsteinsson
A man was named Hall called he was - Hall of Siða, He was son of Thorstein the son of Bodvar.
Móðir Halls hét Þórdís og var Össurardóttir, Hróðlaugssonar,
Rögnvaldssonar jarls af Mæri, Eysteinssonar glumru.
Mother of Hall was named Thordis and was daughter of Ossur, son of Hroðlaug son of Rognvald Earl of Mær/More son of Noisy Eystein / Eystein the Noisy
Hallur átti Jóreiði
Þiðrandadóttur hins spaka, Ketilssonar þryms, Þórissonar þiðranda úr
Veradal.  Bróðir
Hall married Joreið daughter  of Thiðrand the Wise, son of Ketil Thunder (G) the son of Thori partridge (this (CV- usually a nickname)
of Verdale.  (the) brother
Jóreiðar var Ketill þrymur í Njarðvík og Þorvaldur faðir
Helga Droplaugarsonar.
of Joreið was Ketil Thunder (G) out of Njarðvik (?Narvik) and Thorvald father of Helgi Draplaugasson (sounds litke son of the Water-Weary)
[ why not called Thorvaldsson]
Hallkatla var systir Jóreiðar, móðir Þorkels Geitissonar
og þeirra Þiðranda.
Halkatla was sister to Joreið, mother of they Thorkel and Thiðrand Geitsson.
Þorsteinn hét bróðir Halls og var kallaður breiðmagi.
Named Thorstein the Brother of Hall and was called Broadbelly
[have to love those names!!]
Son hans var Kolur er Kári vegur í Bretlandi. Synir Halls af Síðu
voru þeir Þorsteinn og Egill, Þorvarður og Ljótur og Þiðrandi sá er drápu dísir.
His son was Kol whom Kari (Vegur) was to slay/to have slain (?) in Bretland (? Wales or what) Sons of Hall of Siða they were Thorstein and Egil, Thorvard and Ljot, and Thiðrand - he whom they say was taken/killed by spirit/elf-women
Þórir hét maður og var kallaður Holta-Þórir. Hans synir voru þeir Þorgeir skorargeir og Þorleifur krákur og Þorgrímur hinn mikli.
Thori was a man's name and he was called Holt-Thori (Thori of the Holt/Copse). His sons were they  Thorgeir "cut-spear"? and Thorleif Crow and Thorgrim Tall (or great)
97. kafli
got just a tad lost here -
Nú er þar til máls að taka að Njáll talaði við Höskuld fóstra sinn: "Ráðs
vildi eg þér leita fóstri og kvonfangs."
Now it is to tell (The story takes us to) Njal who talked with Hoskuld his Foster-son "I want to make a marriage for you (my) fosterling and find a wife (for you)"
Höskuldi kveðst það vel að skapi og bað hann fyrir sjá "eða hvar vilt þú
helst á leita?"
Hoskuld declared  he was well in spirit (happy or willing) and asked him to go (ahead?) "Where will you wish to be looking"
Njáll svarar: "Kona heitir Hildigunnur og er Starkaðardóttir Þórðarsonar
Freysgoða. Þann veit eg kost bestan."
Njal replies "A woman named Hildigun and is daughter of Starkað the son of Thord Frey's Goði  That I know is the best match
Höskuldur mælti: "Sjá þú einn fyrir fóstri minn. Það skal mitt ráð sem þú vilt vera láta."
Hoskuld spoke "You shall say/decide my Fosterfather. That I shall take with what (ever) you advise/plan
"Hér munum við á leita," segir Njáll.
"Here is what we plan with (?) " says Njal
I started early and went very carefully because of all those names - some were looked up in any one of my three dictionaries and the Glossary of New Introduction to Old Norse (compiled by Anthony Faulkes)
Any advice welcome

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