Njáll mælti að þeir skyldu sættast og setja grið.

From: llama_nom
Message: 8185
Date: 2007-05-09

Tsk, this is the last time I take you guys to a horse fight ;-)

I gather there's been some bad feeling among certain members arising
out of a recent discussion of the word 'seiðr'. I get the impression
that this has spiralled out of all proportion. However, since most of
the dispute has been conducted in private, with occasional baffling
exceptions [
http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/norse_course/message/8177 ], a lot
of the details are unknown to me, so I apologise if I'm speaking out
of turn. Could be this is none of my business... But, all the same,
I'd just like to post a few words here appealing for calm. I hope
that those involved can resolve their differences peaceably and let
bygones be bygones. I'm not apportioning blame. I'm not asking for

To clarify, "on topic" is anything to do with the Old Norse language,
including either meaning of the word 'seiðr' in Old Norse. Modern
religious or magical practices are best debated elsewhere, but I can
appreciate that conversations naturally go off in fortuitous
directions -- the smelliness of fish, etc. No harm in occasional
deviations, chatty asides and such, so long as no one persists in
forcing their own agenda on the group. Of course, it would be wise to
consider very carefully before posting them the possible effects of
off-hand, personal remarks in a public forum, how they might be taken
or mistaken, and what lines of discussion they might lead to
(Patricia). But we can't all be wise all of the time. I, for one, am
not. We live and learn.

By the same token, I see no harm in people bringing up what they might
reasonably believe is a relevant topic, given what they see others
discussing here. If we think otherwise, we can say so -- ideally
without offending anyone. Again, we live and learn.

If someone feels uncomfortable about joining in with a particular
thread, they are at liberty to ignore it. If members feel that a
particular topic has no place on this forum, or have any other
moderation requests, but would rather not get into a confrontation, I
suggest that in future they contact me by private email and let me see
to anything that needs to be done, rather than challenging other group
members in public.

The page that Larry linked to [
http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/norse_course/message/8174 ]
contained some inaccurate information on pronunciation, as Eysteinn
commented on. Worth a chuckle, not worth falling out over! I'm not
above posting the odd dodgy link myself -- e.g. that radio programme
about Norse gods presented by Melvin Bragg which turned out to be less
informative than I'd hoped [
http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/norse_course/message/8171 ] -- so
let's assume the best intentions of each other as far as we can, eh?

The Internet is a massive misunderstanding-generating machine. With
over a thousand members on this list from many different countries, of
a range of ages and backgrounds, with personalities formed by who
knows what experiences, each living in conditions the rest of us may
not appreciate, and doing our best to communicate in what for many is
not their first language, with a time delay and a lack of non-verbal
cues, it's no wonder we're going to have misunderstandings (in the
broadest sense of the word) from time to time. It's all to easy to
assume aggression where none was intended, or to imagine that more
aggression was intended than actually was the case. And bad feeling
tends to escalate [ http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/doc_WTD003990.html ] --
or just read any of the Icelandic sagas.

But as Juan recently wrote, "this list is a great resource." We've
got a good thing here; no sense wasting it over squabbles. While I
don't fully understand what has gone on between you, I hear that
offense has been taken on various sides and hurt sustained and doled
back out in anger. It's my hope that those involved can bring
themselves to consider the effect of their own remarks, whether
intended or otherwise, whether justified of otherwise, and that all
parties can give each other the benefit of the doubt. I strongly urge
Patricia to reconsider her "resignation", and hope that no one else
will feel discouraged from making relevant contributions or asking
questions here for fear of censure, be they involved in these
arguments or not -- regulars, newcomers or occasional visitors.

Please excuse the preachy tone of this message; like I say, there may
be all sort of issues here that I'm not aware of, though hopefully
nothing that can't be overcome. Right, I'll get down off my high
horse now ;-) Let's get back to studying Old Norse!

Llama Nom
(in Meddling Moderator outfit)

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