Njal end of 29 - - Grace's translation
From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 7417
Date: 2006-10-22
Sorry to be so late with this. It turned out that we had guests over the
weekend and I didn't get to send the translation.
Hallvarður spurði Gunnar ef hann vildi ráðast til Hákonar jarls.
Hallvard asked Gunnar if he wished to ? (MM & HP have join the court, but
the closest in Z is journey to) of Earl Hakon.
"Eigi vil eg það," segir Gunnar. "Átt þú nokkuð langskip?" segir Gunnar.
"I don't wish it," says Gunnar. "Have you any longships?" says Gunnar
"Á eg tvö," segir Hallvarður.
"I have two," says Hallvard.
"Þá vildi eg að við færum í hernað," segir Gunnar, "og réðum menn til með
"Then I wished (would want) that we go a-plundering," says Gunnar, "and take
men (in)to (the crew) with us."
"Það vil eg þá," segir Hallvarður.
"Then I wish it," says Hallvard.
Síðan fóru þeir til Víkurinnar og tóku þar skip tvö og bjuggust þaðan. Þeim
varð gott til
Afterwards they sailed to the Viks (Oslo Fjord) and took (the) two ships
there and got ready thence. (It) happened well to
manna því að mikil ágæti voru sögð frá Gunnari.
them (as to) men because many glorious deeds were said of Gunnar.
"Hvert vilt þú nú halda?" segir Gunnar.
"Where will you steer (for) now?" says Gunnar.
"Fyrst suður í Hísing," segir Hallvarður, "á fund Ölvis frænda míns."
"First south to Hising," says Hallvard, "to a meeting (with) my relative
"Hvað vilt þú honum?" segir Gunnar.
"What do you want with him?" says Gunnar.
"Hann er drengur góður," segir Hallvarður, "og mun hann fá okkur nokkurn
styrk til ferðarinnar."
"He is a valiant chieftain," says Hallvard, "and he will give us some
assistance to the journeys."
"Förum við þangað þá," segir Gunnar.
"Then we sail thither," says Gunnar.
Þegar er þeir voru búnir héldu þeir austur til Hísingar og höfðu þar góðar
As soon as when they were ready they steered east to Hising and had a good
reception there.
Skamma stund hafði Gunnar þar verið áður Ölvi fannst mikið um hann. Ölvir
spurði um
Gunnar had been there (but) a short time before Olvi admired him much. Olvi
asked about
ferð hans. Hallvarður segir að Gunnar vill í hernað og afla sér fjár.
his journey. Hallvard says that Gunnar wishes (to go) a-plundering and
procure wealth for himself.
"Það er engi ætlan," segir Ölvir, "þar sem þið hafið lið ekki."
"It is no intention," says Olvi, "whereas you have no crowd (to crew the
"Nú mátt þú og við auka," segir Hallvarður.
"Now you might also increase (the manpower)," says Hallvard.
"Eg ætla gott að styrkja Gunnar að nokkuru," segir Ölvir, "og þó að þú eigir
frændsemi að
"I intend to assist Gunnar good to some degree," says Olvi, "and even though
you have kinship to
telja við mig þá þykir mér þó meiri slægur til hans."
count with me, then it seems to me still more good in him (Z)."
"Hvað vilt þú nú þá til leggja?" segir Hallvarður.
"What do you wish now to provide it," says Hallvard.
"Langskip tvö, annað tvítugsessu en annað þrítugsessu," segir Ölvir.
"Two longships, one 20 oared ship and (the) other a thirty oared ship," says
"Hverjir skulu þar á?" segir Hallvarður.
"Who shall (be) on there?" says Hallvard.
"Eg skal skipa húskörlum mínum annað en bóndum annað. En þó hefi eg spurt að
"I shall arrange my house servants on one and farmers on (the) other. But
since I have learned that hostile (ones)
er kominn í elfina og veit eg eigi hvort þið komist í braut."
are come into the river and I know not whether you get yourselves through
"Hverjir eru þar komnir?" segir Hallvarður.
"Who are come there?" says Hallvard.
"Bræður tveir," segir Ölvir, "heitir annar Vandill en annar Karl, synir
Snæúlfs hins gamla úr Gautlandi austan."
"Two brothers," says Olvi, " one called Vandill and (the) other Karl, sons
of Snow-Wolf the old out of East of Gautland.
Hallvarður segir Gunnari að Ölvir hafði lagið til skipin. Gunnar varð glaður
við það. Þeir
Hallvards tells Gunnar that Olvi had furnished the ships. Gunnar became
happy with it. They
bjuggu ferð sína þaðan og er þeir voru búnir gengu þeir fyrir Ölvi og
þökkuðu honum en
prepared (for) their trip thence and when they were ready they went before
Olvi and thanked him and
hann bað þá vel fara og varlega fyrir þeim bræðrum.
he bade (them) fare well then and (to be) cautious for those brothers.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa
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