Njal 22 3rd part - Grace's translation
From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 7118
Date: 2006-09-22
I had several difficulties here.
Hann mun spyrja hvort þér sé nokkuð af kunnigt "hversu fór með okkur?"
He will ask whether to you is anything known about "how (it) went with us?"
"Kunnigt er mér," skalt þú segja, "að hann tók af þér konuna en þú hafðir
"Known is to me," shall you say, "that he took from you the wife and you don
't have (her?)"
Þá mun Hrútur svara: "Þótti þér ekki á verða fyrir honum er hann náði eigi
fénu en bjó þó til málið?"
Then will Hrut answer, "(It) seemed to you not to be before him when he
doesn't protect wealth and still prepared a case?" (Couldn't figure this
"Hér má eg þér vel svara," skalt þú segja, "þú skoraðir honum til einvígis
en hann var
"Here I can answer you well," you shall say, "you challenged him to single
combat, but he was
maður gamall og réðu vinir hans honum að hann berðist eigi við þig og drap
svo niður málinu."
an old man and his friends advised him that he (would) not bear up against
you and so (he) dropped the suit."
"Mælti eg það," mun Hrútur segja, "og þótti það heimskum mönnum sem lög væri
"I said it," will Hrut say, "and it seemed to foolish men as (if) law were
(as if it were law) but
málið mátti þó upp taka á öðru þingi ef hann hefði þrek til haft."
still the suit could be undertaken at another Thing if he had had courage to
(do it)"
"Veit eg það," skalt þú segja.
"I know it," you shall say.
Hann mun þá spyrja þig: "Kannt þú nokkuð í lögum?"
He will then ask you, "Do you know anything about (the) law?"
"Kunna þótti eg norður þar," skalt þú segja, "en þó munt þú segja mér verða
hversu málið skal upp taka."
"I was reckoned to know up north there," shall you say, "but still you will
tell me how a lawsuit shall be undertaken."
Hrútur mun mæla: "Að hverju máli vilt þú spyrja?"
Hrut will say, "You wish to ask about every lawsuit?"
"Að því," skalt þú segja, "er mig skiptir engu, hversu upp skal taka
fjárheimtuna Unnar."
"(As) to that," shall you say, "(it) does not concern me (Z), how (one)
shall undertake the return of property of Unnr."
"Stefna skal málinu svo að eg heyri á eða að lögheimili mínu," mun Hrútur
"(One) shall summon the suit so that I hear (the charges?) or at my lawful
domicile," will Hrut say.
"Stefn þú nú þá," skalt þú segja, "en eg mun í annað sinn."
"You summon now then," shall you say, "and I will another time."
Þá mun Hrútur stefna og skalt þú að því vandlega hyggja hver atkvæði hann
hefir. Þá
Then will Hrut summon and and you shall think carefully to it where he has
technicalities. Then
mun Hrútur mæla að þú skulir stefna. Þú skalt þá stefna og skal rangt svo að
eigi sé meir
will Hrut speak that you should summon. You shall then summon and shall (do
it) incorrectly so that not is more than
en annað hvert orð rétt. Þá mun Hrútur hlæja og mun hann þá ekki gruna en
mæla þó að
every other word correct. Then will Hrut laugh and he will then not suspect
but say still that
fátt sé rétt í. Þú skalt kenna förunautum þínum að þeir hafi glapið þig. Þá
skalt þú biðja
little is correct in (it). You shall claim your friends that they have
confused you. Then shall you ask
Hrút að hann mæli fyrir þér og að hann leyfi að þú stefnir í annað sinn og
mælir eftir
Hrut that he speak before you and that he allow that you summon another time
and speak after
honum. Hann mun leyfa þér og stefna sjálfur málinu. Þú skalt þegar stefna
eftir og mæla
him. He will allow you and summon (the) suit himself. You shall at once
summon after (him) and speak
þá rétt og spyrja Hrút hvort rétt sé stefnt. Hann mun segja þér að eigi megi
það ónýta.
then correctly and ask Hrut whether (it) is correctly summoned. He will say
to you that not may it ?
Þá skalt þú mæla hátt svo að förunautar þínir heyri: "Stefni eg handseldri
sök Unnar Marðardóttur."
Then you shall say in a correct way so that your companions hear, "I summon
(you regarding the) lawsuit of Unnr Mord's daughter by handshake."
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa
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