From: Patricia
Message: 6661
Date: 2006-07-11
Excuse me Alan I believe you have the right of it, - of course that is only because your assumption does so agree with my one - therefore I recognize what is "right" in your translation.
I do not believe you miss much at all
-------Original Message-------
Am I missing something here? The discussion seems to be suggesting that í æði sínuis translated as in his frenzy = climax/orgasm, based on the feminine noun æði But surely the noun is the neuter noun æði (note the neut dat sg pronoun sínu) which Zoega gives the meaning nature, disposition, mind. Note also that sem aðrir menn can mean like other human beings, ie not necessarily males. Taken together, I took this mean that Hrút having briefly become some kind of supernatural monster with a gigantic (and therefore somewhat ineffective) phallus simply resumed normal human characteristics and form.
Kveðja Alan
-----Original Message-----
--- In norse_course@ yahoogroups. com, "Blanc Voden" <uoden@...> wrote: >Þegar hann kemur við mig þá er hörund hans svo mikið að hann má ekki eftirlæti hafa við mig en þó höfum við bæði breytni til þess á alla vega að við mættum njótast en það verður ekki. En þó áður við skiljum sýnir hann það af sér að hann er í æði sínu rétt sem aðrir menn. I took this to mean that he did ejaculate eventually (just not in her), and that is how he showed himself to be "exactly like other men". BV, note: "organism" = lífvera. A crearture, a living being, the collection of organs and processes that together make up a living creature. "orgasm" = fullnæging. Sexual climax. -- -- | |||