From: Blanc Voden
Message: 6582
Date: 2006-06-26
--- In, "AThompson" <athompso@...> wrote:
> Here´s my translation. Comments on underlined text would be greatly
> appreciated. I think Gunnhild would consider Hrút to be aptly named.
> Kveðja
> Alan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Fred and Grace Hatton
> Sent: Friday, 23 June 2006 9:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: [norse_course] Njal Chapter 5 second half
Hrútur hélt aftur um haustið og hafði fengið fjár mikils og fór þegar á fund
Hrút held (course) back during the autumn and had gained much property and went at once to a meeting of (to meet)
konungs og hafði af honum góðar viðtökur. Hann bauð þeim að hafa slíkt af
(the) king and had (received) from him a good reception. He offered them to have such (bits) of
fénu sem þeir vildu en konungurinn (why use the definite article here!) tók af þriðjunginn. Gunnhildur segir
en konungur tók af einn tíunda. Kongurinn þriðjunginn[!].
I feel that Konugurinn [a king] is more moderated here than Kongurinn [the king], I reckon the autor feels the tax is gross.
the property as they wanted but the king took from (it) one-third. Gunnhild says
Hrúti að hún hafði tekið erfðina en látið drepa Sóta. Hann þakkaði henni og
to Hrút that she had taken the inheritence but (had) caused to slay Sóti (ie had had him killed). He thanked her and
gaf henni allt hálft við sig. (does this mean half for her, half for him?)
Yes [gave her half of everything with himself]
gave her an entire half with himself
Thanks Blanc Uoden