Re: Njal Chapter 5 second half / Alan's Translation

From: Patricia
Message: 6576
Date: 2006-06-24

Saell Alan
Hrut - aptly named - thought I - what's he on about - then I consulted (CV) and I guess you are right
If I may - the use of the definite article konungurinn seems to signify that he (Hrut) simply offered to both, but the King accepted - it may be so that Gunnhild knew she was most likely to get a share (larger than her son's) when Hrut received his inheritance
Born in a foreign land - I like that better than the translation I gave, because it makes me think of the terms of innangard and utangard for people who are to be accepted or not, I think the word uitlander is still in use today in the South African language
----- Original Message -----
From: AThompson
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 1:54 PM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Njal Chapter 5 second half / Alan's Translation

Here´s my translation. Comments on underlined text would be greatly appreciated. I think Gunnhild would consider Hrút to be aptly named.



-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Fred and Grace Hatton
Sent: Friday, 23 June 2006 9:01 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Njal Chapter 5 second half

Þeir Sóti fórust hjá. Sigldi hann aftur til Noregs. Kom hann við

They Sóti (and company) made-their-way by (them). He sailed back to Norway. He came to

Limgarðssíðu og gekk þar á land. Þar mætti hann Ögmundi sveini Gunnhildar.

Limgarð´s Coast and went there onto land (ashore). There he met Ögmund, Gunnhild´s servant.

Ögmundur kenndi Sóta þegar og spyr hann: "Hve lengi ætlar þú hér að vera?"

Ögmund recognised Sóti at once and asked him: ‘How long do you intend to be here?’

"Þrjár nætur," segir Sóti.

‘Three nights,’ says Sóti.

"Hvert ætlar þú þá?" sagði Ögmundur.

‘What do you intend (to do) then?’ said Ögmund.

"Vestur til Englands," segir Sóti, "og koma aldrei til Noregs meðan ríki Gunnhildar er."

‘(Go) west to England,’ says Sóti,’ and come never to Norway while (the) rule of Gunnhild is (remains).

Ögmundur gekk þá í braut og fer á fund Gunnhildar því að hún var þaðan

Ögmund went then away and journeys to a meeting of (to meet) Gunnhild because she was from there

skammt á veislu og Guðröður sonur hennar. Ögmundur sagði Gunnhildi frá ætlan

a short (distance) at a feast and (together with) Guðröð her son. Ögmund said to Gunnhild about Sóti’s plan.

Sóta. En hún bað þegar Guðröð son sinn fara og taka Sóta af lífi.

But (And) she asked at once Guðröð her son to go and to take Sóti from life. (ie to kill him).

Guðröður fór þegar og kom á óvart Sóta og lét leiða hann á land upp og festa

Guðröð went at once and came unnoticed upon Sóti (took him by surprise) and caused to lead him (ie had him lead) onto land and to hang up (had him hanged)

þar upp en tók fé allt og færði móður sinni. Hún fékk til menn að færa allt

there but (and) tool all property and brought (it) to his mother. She got hold of men to bring all

féið á land upp og austur til Konungahellu og fór sjálf þangað.

the property (further) up into (the) country and east to Kings’ Stone and went herself thither.

Hrútur hélt aftur um haustið og hafði fengið fjár mikils og fór þegar á fund

Hrút held (course) back during the autumn and had gained much property and went at once to a meeting of (to meet)

konungs og hafði af honum góðar viðtökur. Hann bauð þeim að hafa slíkt af

(the) king and had (received) from him a good reception. He offered them to have such (bits) of

fénu sem þeir vildu en konungurinn (why use the definite article here!) tók af þriðjunginn. Gunnhildur segir

the property as they wanted but the king took from (it) one-third. Gunnhild says

Hrúti að hún hafði tekið erfðina en látið drepa Sóta. Hann þakkaði henni og

to Hrút that she had taken the inheritence but (had) caused to slay Sóti (ie had had him killed). He thanked her and

gaf henni allt hálft við sig. (does this mean half for her, half for him?)

gave her an entire half with himself

6. kafli

Chapter 6

Hrútur var með konungi um veturinn í góðu yfirlæti. En er voraðist gerðist

Hrút was (stayed) with (the) king during the winter in good favour. But when Spring-sprung, Hrút became

Hrútur hljóður mjög.

very silent.

Gunnhildur fann það og talaði til hans er þau voru tvö saman: "Ert þú

Gunnhild noticed that and spoke to him and they were two together. ‘Are you

hugsjúkur, Hrútur?" sagði hún.

depressed, Hrút?’ she said.

"Það er mælt," segir Hrútur, "að illt er þeim er á ólandi er alinn."

‘That is spoken,’ says Hrút, ‘that ill is to (befalls) those who are born (or raised) on an un-land (?)

"Vilt þú til Íslands?" segir hún.

‘Do you want (to go) to Iceland?’ she says.

"Það vil eg," sagði hann.

‘I want that,’ he said.

"Átt þú konu nokkura út þar?" segir hún.

‘Do you have any wife out there?’ she says (a bit late to be asking that now!)

"Eigi er það," sagði hann.

‘That is not (the case),’ he said.

"Það hefi eg þó fyrir satt," segir hún.

‘Yet I have that for true (ie Yet I believe that to be true),’ she says.

Síðan hættu þau talinu.

After that they ended the conversation.

Hrútur gekk fyrir konung og kvaddi hann.

Hrút went before (the) king and greeted him.

Konungur mælti: "Hvað vilt þú nú Hrútur?"

(The) king spoke, What do you want now, Hrút)

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