* I should mentioned that Nora Kershaw's translation of "The Saga of
Hervör and Heithrek" is to be found in her book, _STORIES AND
BALLADS OF THE FAR PAST_ about 80% of which I have transcribed -->
Table of Contents:

* I also recently finished transcribing her base text, HERVARAR SAGA
OK HEIÐREKS KONUNGS. edited N.M.Petersen.

* This Kershaw / Petersen version uses the Hauksbok text for the
beginning of the story, thus contains the tidbit about Odhin's place
of origin being Asia-land and the provenance of Tyrfingr being
crafted by dwarven smiths.

* As for the portion that constitutes the beginning portion of the
Snerpa text, something nearly identical is translated by Kershaw in
the "Appendix to Part I" (The Combat at Samsø and Hjalmar's Death

* Because Kershaw uses Rafn's edition of the sagas as base texts of
the other works translated in the book, I mistakenly photocopied
Rafn's edition of the text as well. In that book, the unaltered
Hauksbok text was appended at the end of the volume.

* There is also a _HERVARAR SAGA OK HEIÐREKS_ text published for the
Viking Society for Northern Research, with notes and glossary by G.
Turville-Petre (1956) This would be quite useful for Norse study
since keywords are glossed in the Icelandic-English vocabulary
section. I don't think it's public domain material though. In the
same series were _Gunnlaugssaga Ormstungu_ also supplied likewise
with glossary and _Ágrip_ text and English tr.