From: Patricia
Message: 6440
Date: 2006-06-04
Hope this comes in Handy?
Yes it does Thank you
-------Original Message-------
From: Blanc Voden
Date: 06/04/06 00:39:01
Subject: Re: Fw: [norse_course] Njal Chapt. 2, second half From Patricia > "Eigi hendir svo," sagði hann,"Það hendir" or: it happens. "Ca tombe" "It does no go(happen in) that way," > That is not so (?) said he"þykir mér nú vandast málið er eg hefi áður ráðið brúðlaup mitt." "It seems to me now that the Matter/measure has become more difficult as I have already decided my wedding-procedure," Hope this comes in Handy? Thanks Uoden Morð > Mord er/is Murd'er. "Öss'ur" [us'ur] is he the Eagle Matching Her the Ass'a/Öss'u. Ör[d]n and Ar[d]n'a we also call the same couple. Arrow down> Arrow dn >Ardn > Ardn a > Arna. ör dn > örn. I conclude Örn is moving Össur is sitting. Or Arna is moving Assa is sitting. ur of Ess. or er was first of Ess. | |||