From: Patricia
Message: 6423
Date: 2006-05-31
----- Original Message -----From: NickSent: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 3:29 PMSubject: Re: [norse_course] Ist Chapter of Njal Saga / Alan's TranslationHi
My name is Nick and although learning Norse is more a hope with me than a reality I follow your efforts with interest and admiration. It seemed strange that someone should be called 'fiddle' (should I know better with Icelandic?) so I Googled it and got this scrap, any use?
If you are a boy you can also be named Gigja but only as a middle name. My name means harp.
Regards Nick
AThompson wrote:Here´s my translation. Comments on underlined text would be appreciated.
Are we going to do this more regularly than once a week because at that rate it will take us six years to finish J
Mörður hét maður er kallaður var gígja. Hann var sonur Sighvats hins rauða.
(There) was a man named Mörð who was called Fiddle. He was (the) son of Sighvat the Red.
Hann bjó á Velli á Rangárvöllum. Hann var ríkur höfðingi og málafylgjumaðurHe dwelt at (The) Meadow on Rang River Flats. He was a powerful chieftain and a great pursuer of legal suits
mikill og svo mikill lögmaður að engir þóttu löglegir dómar dæmdir nema hannand so great a law-man that none seemed (were) deemed lawful judgements unless he
væri við. Hann átti dóttur eina er Unnur hét. Hún var væn kona og kurteis ogwere with (ie supporting) (them). He had a certain daughter who was called Unn. She was a beautiful woman and well-bred and
vel að sér og þótti sá bestur kostur á Rangárvöllum.
well-accomplished in herself and seemed that best catch (match) on Rang River Flats.
Nú víkur sögunni vestur til Breiðafjarðardala. Maður er nefndur Höskuldur.Now (it) turns in the story west to (the) Dale of Broad Fjord. (There) is a man named Höskuld.
Hann var Dala-Kollsson. Móðir hans hét Þorgerður og var dóttir ÞorsteinsHe was (the) son of Dala-Koll. His mother was called Þorgerð and was (the) daughter of Þorstein
hins rauða, Ólafssonar hins hvíta, Ingjaldssonar, Helgasonar. Móðir Ingjaldsthe Red, son of Ólaf the White, son of Ingjald, son of Helgi. (The) mother of Ingjald
var Þóra, dóttir Sigurðar orms í auga, Ragnarssonar loðbrókar. Unnur hinwas Þóra, daughter of Sigurð Snake in (the) Eye, son of Ragnar Hairy-Breeches. Unn the
djúpúðga var móðir Þorsteins rauðs, dóttir Ketils flatnefs, BjarnarsonarDeep-minded was (the) mother of Þorstein (the) Red, daughter of Ketil Flat Nose, son of Björn
bunu. Höskuldur bjó á Höskuldsstöðum í Laxárdal.Buna (?). Höskuld dwelt at Höskuld´s Steads in Salmon River Dale.
Hrútur hét bróðir hans. Hann bjó á Hrútsstöðum. Hann var sammæður viðHis brother was called Hrút. He dwelt at Hrúts Steads. He was of (the) same mother as
Höskuld. Faðir hans var Herjólfur. Hrútur var vænn maður, mikill og sterkur,Höskuld. His father was Herjólf. Hrút was a handsome man, big and strong,
vígur vel og hógvær í skapi, manna vitrastur, hagráður við vini sína enwell skilled in arms and gentle in disposition, (the) wisest of men, of wise counsel with his friends but
tillagagóður hinna stærri mála.well disposed (equipped) (to deal with) greater (ie more important) matters.
Það var einu hverju sinni að Höskuldur hafði vinaboð og þar var HrúturThat was (happened) on one certain time that Höskuld had a feast for friends and Hrút was there,
bróðir hans og sat hið næsta honum. Höskuldur átti sér dóttur er Hallgerðurhis brother, and sat the nearest to him. Höskuld had by himself a daughter who was called Hallgerð.
hét. Hún lék sér á gólfi við aðrar meyjar. Hún var fríð sýnum og mikil vextiShe played on (the) floor with other young girls. She was beautiful in appearance and tall of growth (stature)
og hárið svo fagurt sem silki og svo mikið að það tók ofan á belti.and the (her) hair as fine as silk and so long that it reached down to (the) belt (ie her waist).
Höskuldur kallar á hana: "Far þú hingað til mín," sagði hann.Höskuld calls to her: Come (you) hither to me, said he.
Hún gekk þegar til hans. Hann tók undir hökuna og kyssti hana. Síðan gekkShe went at once to him. He took (her) under the chin and kissed her (or her chin?). Afterwards she went
hún í braut.away.
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Þá ræddi Höskuldur til Hrúts: "Hversu líst þér á mey þessa, þykir þér eigiThen Höskuld spoke to Hrút: How seems (it) to you about this young girl, seems (she) to you not
fögur vera?"to be fair?
Hrútur þagði við. Höskuldur talaði til annað sinn.Hrút was silent with (that). Höskuld spoke to (him) a second time.
Hrútur svaraði þá. "Ærið fögur er mær sjá og munu margir þess gjalda. EnHrút answered then: Fair enough is this young girl and many will pay (a price) (suffer) for this. But
hitt veit eg eigi hvaðan þjófsaugu eru komin í ættir vorar."that I know not from where are (have) (the) eyes of a thief come into our family.
Þá reiddist Höskuldur og var fátt um með þeim bræðrum nokkura hríð.Then Höskuld became angry and (it) was cool between those brother for some time.
Bræður Hallgerðar voru þeir Þorleikur, faðir Bolla, og Ólafur, faðirThose brothers of Hallgerð were Þorleik, father of Bolli, and Ólaf, father
Kjartans, og Bárður.Of Kjartan, and Bárð.
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