From: James R. Johnson
Message: 6413
Date: 2006-05-30
Hi everyone,
I don’t know who might be interested in this, but the website is interested in having Old Norse translations done. I’ve included the links in the original e-mail for everyone. I’m not sure how well I can contribute to this, but I’ll try. I’m looking forward to seeing some Old Norse Kid’s Books soon!
From: Guy Chocensky
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 8:21
To: James R. Johnson
Subject: Re: Translations of
Children's Books
What a marvelous contribution to this project those languages will be.
Translations into Old English, Old Norse and Latin will certainly be most welcome additions to this project, James
I'm including our standard instructions for presenting your translations. We don't have a large staff (or any staff, actually) so conforming to these guidelines will greatly help us get your translation online in a timely fashion.
Translating for the Rosetta Project is a fairly simple process.
Select the book you want to translate from
Then check just to make sure that it hasn't already been translated into the language you're working on, by checking here:
Please let us know by e-mail when you've selected a book, before starting your translation. That way we won't discover that we have two translators working on the same book in the same language at the same time. It has been known to happen and we hate to see anyone waste their talents.
After we confirm that you will be the translator assigned to a particular book in that language, and after you have finished your translation, simply send it to us via e-mail as a Microsoft Word attachment.
Some things to remember:
1. Translate every page that has any text on it: title page, image captions -- even the book's cover and title.
2. Be sure to carefully note the html page of each book each block of translation is coming from, based on our web site's pagination (at the top of each html page on the screen), not based on the book's original pagination.
3. When submitting your translated text in Microsoft Word format, please attach it to an email with the title of the book, and the language it is translated into on the subject line. Please remind us who you are, and where you're from, too, so we can credit you for your work on the book's index page.
Finally, once you have sent us a translation, your name will be added to our webpage devoted to the Volunteers to Rosetta.
We really do so look forward to offering our guests your translations in these "dead languages," James.
Because when we say we want to include translations into every language spoken by mankind (past present or future) we are absolutely seriously about that goal.
Thank you on behalf of scholars of languages everywhere.
Warm Regards,
Guy Chocensky, President
Children's Books Online: the Rosetta Project, Inc.
Searsport, Maine ; USA
----- Original Message -----
From: James R. Johnson
To: webmaster@...
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 3:54 AM
Subject: Translations of Children's Books
Hello Sir/Ma’am,
I was wondering if I could add translations of the children’s books you have on your site in Old English, Old Norse, and possibly Latin. I have already worked on “My First Book,” and would like to know if I should continue.
Thank you,
James Johnson