From: LM
Message: 6406
Date: 2006-05-28
> --- In, LM <lavrans@...> wrote:
> > I've gone to this website:
> -
> > and downloaded this particular poem. But at this point, I'm not
> clear on
> > whether this is the original Old Norse, or modernized.
> There are two versions of the poem here. Neither follow the
> standard spelling of modern Icelandic. Nor does either quite match
> the spelling used in the Norse Course lessons. They each use a
> slightly different standard. Both of them spell earlier oe as æ
> (e.g. in 'fádæmi'); I've read that these two sounds fell together
> towards the end of the 13th century. The version on the left, has
> the more archaic reflexive ending -sk, while that on the right uses
> the modern -st.
> In spite of the differences, both of them use a spelling standard
> adopted by their modern editors, rather than the spelling of the
> manuscripts. Ironically, the language of late medieval manuscripts
> often shows more modern features than standardised editions. I
> don't have a critical edition of Bósa saga, but compare this verse
> from Hálfs saga, first in the spelling of Guðni Jónsson and Bjarni
> Vilhjámsson's edition, then in the 15th manuscript spelling:
> Kalt vatn augum,
> en kvett tönnum,
> lérept líki,
> lát mik aptr í sjó!
> Dregr mik engi
> í degi síðan
> maðr upp í skip
> af mararbotnum.
> kallt uatn augum
> en kvett taunnum
> lerept liki
> lat mig aptur j sío
> dregur mig eíngí
> j degí sidaN
> madr up j skip
> af mara bottnum
> Cold water for eyes
> and meat for teeth,
> linen for a body,
> let me back in the sea!
> No man will pull me
> after this
> up into a ship
> off the sea bottom.
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