From: Patricia
Message: 6401
Date: 2006-05-27
----- Original Message -----From: Blanc VodenSent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 4:45 PMSubject: [norse_course] Re: First Chapter of Njal's SagaHi ther Patricia
Unn'ur we call [in mind] dat. Unn'i: The one that "unn'ir" he loves
and the past He loved "unn'i".
If she gets married people we say he (her husband) loved "unni" her.
The birth wish becomes real.
"Ein hverju sinn" There was an occasion, regardless of time, one of
Particular is not at all fitting.
Hrút'ur is Ram: See Hár'útúr. And útúrdúr. And Harris
Pure courteous maiden would not bend her head. She would look him
stright in the eye. Why was she shy? He demands something?
Thanks Uoden.
--- In, "Patricia"
<originalpatricia@...> wrote:
> Mörður hét maður er kallaður var gígja. Hann var sonur Sighvats
hins rauða.
> Hann bjó á Velli á Rangárvöllum.
> Was a man named Morð, he was called "fiddle" he was son of Sighvat
the Red, he lived at "Meadow" on "Crooked River Plains"
> Hann var ríkur höfðingi og málafylgjumaður
> mikill og svo mikill lögmaður að engir þóttu löglegir dómar dæmdir
nema hann
> væri við.
> He was a powerful chieftain and great follower of lawsuits, and so
great a lawman that none thought lawful judgements unless he was
> Hann átti dóttur eina er Unnur hét. Hún var væn kona og kurteis og
> vel að sér og þótti sá bestur kostur á Rangárvöllum.
> he had but one (an only) daughter called Unna (could mean love -
Gordon)she was beaitiful, and well-born and accomplished and
considered the best "catch" on the "Crooked River Plains"
> Nú víkur sögunni vestur til Breiðafjarðardala. Maður er nefndur
> Hann var Dala-Kollsson. Móðir hans hét Þorgerður og var dóttir
> hins rauða, Ólafssonar hins hvíta, Ingjaldssonar, Helgasonar
> Now moves the stord westwards too Broad-fjord-dale.
> a man was called Hoskuld he was the son of Dale-Koll his mother
was called Thorgerð and was the daughter of Thorstein Red son of
White Olaf son of Ingjald son of Helgi
> Móðir Ingjalds
> var Þóra, dóttir Sigurðar orms í auga, Ragnarssonar loðbrókar.
Unnur hin
> djúpúðga var móðir Þorsteins rauðs, dóttir Ketils flatnefs,
> bunu. Höskuldur bjó á Höskuldsstöðum í Laxárdal.
> Mother of Ingjald was Thora daughter of Sigurd Snake eyes (who
was) son of Ragnar Hairy-Breeks.
> Unn the deep-minded was mother of Thorstein Red (she was) daughter
of Ketil Flatnose - son of Bjorn the Stream (CV).
> Hoskuld lived at SalmonRiver Dale
> Hrútur hét bróðir hans. Hann bjó á Hrútsstöðum. Hann var sammæður
> Höskuld. Faðir hans var Herjólfur. Hrútur var vænn maður, mikill
og sterkur,
> vígur vel og hógvær í skapi, manna vitrastur, hagráður við vini
sína en
> tillagagóður hinna stærri mála.
> His brother was called Hrut and lived at Hrutsteads he was of the
same mother as Hroskuld, his father was Herolf. Hrut was a handsome
man - big and strong able to fight and skilled, calm of mind amd
most wise, wise in council with his friends but fit to deal with
greater things
> Það var einu hverju sinni að Höskuldur hafði vinaboð og þar var
> bróðir hans og sat hið næsta honum.
> That was at a particular time that Hoskuld made a feast for his
friends and Hrut was there - his brother and sat nearest to him
> Höskuldur átti sér dóttur er Hallgerður
> hét. Hún lék sér á gólfi við aðrar meyjar. Hún var fríð sýnum og
mikil vexti
> og hárið svo fagurt sem silki og svo mikið að það tók ofan á belti.
> Hoskuld had with him a daughter called Hallgerð. She was playing
on the floor with the other young girls, she was beautiful and grown
tall and her hair so fine as silk and so long it reached down to
(the) belt.
> Höskuldur kallar á hana: "Far þú hingað til mín," sagði hann.
> Hún gekk þegar til hans. Hann tók undir hökuna og kyssti hana.
Síðan gekk
> hún í braut.
> Hoskuld called to her "come here to me " and she went over at once
and he touched her under the chin and kissed her, and she then went
away (back to her playmates?)
> Þá ræddi Höskuldur til Hrúts: "Hversu líst þér á mey þessa, þykir
þér eigi
> fögur vera?"
> Hrútur þagði við. Höskuldur talaði til annað sinn.
> Then said Hiskuld to Hrut "How does this girl seem to you (how
does she strike you) is she not fair
> Hrut was quiet with that (and) Hoskuld spoke a second time
> Hrútur svaraði þá. "Ærið fögur er mær sjá og munu margir þess
gjalda. En
> hitt veit eg eigi hvaðan þjófsaugu eru komin í ættir vorar."
> Hrut answered then "Fair enough is this maiden and many will pay
for this, but I do not know (understand) whence comes the eyes of a
thief to our family
> Þá reiddist Höskuldur og var fátt um með þeim bræðrum nokkura hríð.
> Then angry became Hoskuld and it was cold between the brothers for
a while
> Bræður Hallgerðar voru þeir Þorleikur, faðir Bolla, og Ólafur,
> Kjartans, og Bárður
> The brothers of Hallgerð were Thorleik father of Bolli and Olaf
father of Kjartan and Bard
> I am amazed at the lack of tact shown by Hrut - it has been said
that a thief is born with very bright and "narrowing" eyes - no
doubt they believed in that in those times, unless of course her
eyes held a bold direct stare - and were not downcast
and "maidenly" but what a stupid thing to say.
> To touch the child under her chin may have just been to get a look
at her eyes which in itself seems a suspicious thing to want to do
> This has been a good thing to start, I found myself reading
through and just checking in the Dictionary, this is enough anyway
to gain confidence in this - I may do better in the future
> Patricia
> Kveðja Allir