From: rune@...
Message: 6304
Date: 2006-05-10
Sorry folks my ae would not add in correctly. But here is one of the songs in question as Tyr does it in Faeroes and then the translation into English.
Vilji� taer n� l��a �
me�an eg man kv��a
Um teir r�ku kongarnar
sum eg vil n� um r��a
Grani bar gulli� av hei�i
Br� hann s�num brandi av rei�i
Sj�r�ur v� � orminum
Grani bar gulli� av hei�i
Hundings synir � randargn�
teir ska�an gj�rdu har
Eitur var � sv�rinum
teir b�ru m�ti maer
F�vnir eiture ormurin
� Giltrarhei�i liggur
Regin er ein g��ur smi�ur
f�um er hann dyggur
Hann var saer � leikv�llum
�millum manna herjar
R�vur upp eikikelvi st�r
hann lemjir summar til heljar
Eystantil undri heyginum
i� dreingir eyka tal
Dimmur er hesin dapri dagur
ni�ur � mold at fara
Har kom ma�ur � vollin fram
eingin i� hann kendi
S��an hatt � h�vidi bar
og finskan boga � hendi
Har kom ma�ur � vollin fram
hann v� vi� eggjateini
Eyga hev�i hann eitt � heysi
knept var br�k at beini
Ormurin er skri�in av gullinum
ta� man fraettast v��a
Sj�r�ur setist � Granar bak
hann b�r seg til at ri�a
Grani bar gulli� av hei�i
Br� hann s�num brandi av rei�i
Sj��dur v� � orminum
Grani bar gulli� av hei�i
And another norse course
Regin Blacksmith
Will ou now listen
Whilst I will sing.
About the rich kings
That I will now speak of
Greyfell carried the gold from the heath
He swung his sword in wrath
Sigfried defeated the dragon
Greyfell carried the gold from the heath
Hundings sons at war
They did damage there
Poison was in the sword
They carried against me
Fafnir is the name of the dragon
That lies on the Glittering Heath
Regin is a good blacksmith
To few is he faithful
He was on the fields of play
rages amongst men
tears up large oak trunks
he maims some to Hel
On the eastern side under the mound
Where heroes grow in numbers
Dark is this sad day
Down in mould to go
A man stepped forward upon the field
None knew him
He had a wide hat on his head
And a Finnish bow in his hand
A man stepped forward upon the field
Raging with his sword
He had one eye
And his trouser legs were buttoned
The dragon has slithered of the gold
It is rumored widely
Sigfried seats himself on Greyfells back
He prepares himself to ride
Greyfell carried the gold from the heath
He swung his sword in wrath
Sigfried defeated the dragon
Greyfell carried the gold from the heath