Indeed, it's a wonderful resource. I only wish the pages were easier to save. Unfortunately, they are not accessible by a straight series of links-to-html-pages, so I'm having to save them one at a time, which is quite a laborious process (especially since I am having to reconstruct structure manually).

Anyone figure out an easier way to save the info?


On 5/9/06, kiyo9tails <kyamazak@... > wrote:
Thanks to Llama Nom for the nick-of-time warning.  I think I only
visited the site early on when it wasn't

fully stocked with all the material, so I'm surprised at the wealth
of material there.

As LM says,
[The ballads] used to be arranged by subject matter at Tjatsi:

> A    Náttúrukvæði
> B    Halgikvæði
> C    Sannsøgulig kvæði
> D    Riddarakvæði
> E    Kappakvæði - trøllakvæði, risakvæði
> F    Skemtikvæði
> -     Serføroyska táttayrkingin er ikki við har.

This classification system, using the TSB (Themes of Scandinavian
Ballads) Types A thru F numbering, is also

used at the site: If you go to
you will know what I mean.

"Flugvandi Bidhil" is assigned number TSB 44, therefore it is filed
under "Type A". If you just click and

click down the hierarchy.
Apparently there are two vaiants, Flying Suitor A and Flying Suitor
B, but only A has been transcribed.

A translation isn't given for this ballad at the site. The page says
that the Flying Suitor is catalogued

"CCF 127" in the collection _Corpus Carminum Fæ­roensium_, but when I
looked up Syndergaard (a directory of

which Scand. mediev. ballads are translated), there was no pulbished
English translation for this piece.


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