Re: Hrafnkell 772-790 / Comments for Patricia

From: AThompson
Message: 6220
Date: 2006-04-23



Comments inserted





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From: [] On Behalf Of
Saturday, 22 April 2006 8:52 AM
Subject: Fw: [norse_course] Hrafnkell 772-790



----- Original Message -----

From: AThompson


Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 9:37 AM

Subject: RE: [norse_course] Hrafnkell 772-790


Here’s the next instalment of Hrafnkel’s Saga.


Thanks to Uoden and LN for helpful comments on my queries on the last instalment.





Þeir ríða nú vestr af hrauninu.

They ride now west off the rocky ground (Gordon)


Þá er (present) fyrir þeim önnur mýrr,
er (which) heitir Oxamýrr. Hon er (present) grösug mjök.

Ther was before them another moor called Bigmoor or (Oxmoor) it was very grassy


Þar eru (present!) bleytur, svá
(so that)náliga er (is) ófœrt yfir.
Af því lagði Hallfreðr karl inar efri
775 götur, þó at þær væri lengri. (see my translation)

There were (?) Patches of swamp - (why Plural) and nearly impossible to cross

of this lay (i.e. ownership) of the man Halfreð ( karl may be old man we had this some time back)

a good way (path) yet to them would be further  (could not make head nor tail - seemingly)


Eyvindr ríðr vestr á (into, onto) mýrina. Lá þá drjúgum í fyrir þeim. (the key to this impersonal construction is ’liggja í’ which means to sink into – see my translation)
Dvalðisk (was delayed, ie passive and impersonal) þá mjök fyrir þeim.

Eyvind rides west of the moor (suff def art? this moor (yes, but just the moor))  There lying greatly before him

It delayed much for them (held them up)    (not happy with this)


 Hina (note: another impersonal construction with ‘hina’ bein acc pl) bar skjótt eptir, er lausir (see comments in my translatiion)
riðu. Ríða þeir (they) Hrafnkell nú leið sína (their way) á mýrina (fem acc sg).

Those others bore quickly after them because they were free (this I do not understand - free - how)

Rides there now Hrafnkell (with/and) his band  to the marshes (Pl) 


Þeir (They) Eyvindr
eru (present) þá komnir af (off, from) mýrinni.

There Eyvind was come to the moor ??


Sjá (see, pres indicative) þeir (they) þá Hrafnkel ok sonu hans
780 báða.

seeing  there Hrafnkell and sons his both 


Þeir báðu Eyvind þá undan (away)at ríða. 'Eru nú af allar
. (all dangerous passages are now off (ie behind us)) Muntu ná til Aðalbóls, meðan (while) mýrrin er á millum.'
they plead to Eyvind to ride away - ride on?

There is only danger from now. You may (muntu - sing) get (?) to Adalbol

because the moor is between ( between him and H.)


Eyvindr svarar: 'Eigi mun ek flýja undan þeim mönnum, er (whom)
ek hefi ekki til miska gört.'
Eyvind replies "not shall I flee from these men ( it) is that I have done no hurt


Þeir ríða þá (then) upp á hálsinn

The ride upon the crest of the hill.


 Þar standa fjöll lítil á hálsinum (on the crest).
785 Útan í fjallinu er meltorfa ein, blásin mjök. Bakkar hávir (high) váru
umhverfis. Eyvindr ríðr at torfunni. Þar stígr hann af baki
ok bíðr þeira.

There stands a small fell (or slope)

Out beond the fell a turf knoll - in the middle of barren ground (so saith Gordon) (stripped by the wind)

There were banks all round (Zoega)

Eyvind rides onto the turf there he dismounts from horse back and waits for them

Eyvindr segir: 'Nú munum vér skjótt vita þeira ørendi.'

Eptir þat gengu þeir upp á torfuna ok brjóta þar upp (Gordon says pull up) grjót
nökkurt. 790

Eyvind says now we may shortly know their (? errand or business)

Aft that they go upon the turf and break some stones/rocks


I have done my best with this bit but I am still very dissatisfied  wothal



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