From: AThompson
Message: 6075
Date: 2006-03-19
Here’s my translation and grammar notes. Seeking the second opinion on:
Þar ofan frá (line 660)
655 Þeir leiða nú hestinn ofan eptir vellinum. Einn hamarr
They lead now the stallion down along the flat. A certain crag
stendr niðr við ána, en fyrir framan hylr djúpr. Þar leiða þeir
stands down by the river, but in front of (it lies) a deep pool. There they lead
nú hestinn fram á hamarinn. Þjóstarssynir drógu fat eitt á
now the stallion forward onto the crag. Thjóstar’s sons drew a certain bag over
höfuð hestinum, taka síðan hávar stengr ok hrinda hestinum
(the) head of the stallion, take afterwards tall poles and push the stallion
fram, binda stein við
hálsinn ok týndu honum svá. Heitir
off forward, tie a stone around the (stallion´s) neck and lost (destroyed) him so. (It) is called
þar síðan Freyfaxahamarr. Þar ofan frá standa goðahús þau, 660
there afterwards Freyfaxi´s Crag. Down from there stand those temple buildings
Hrafnkell hafði átt. Þorkell vildi koma þar. Lét hann fletta
which Hrafnkel had owned. Thorkel wanted to come there. He causes to strip
goðin öll. Eptir þat lætr hann leggja eld í goðahúsit
ok brenna
all the gods. After that he causes to set fire to the temple and to burn
allt saman.
everything together.
Síðan búask boðsmenn í brottu. Velr Sámr þeim ágæta gripi
Then (the) guests prepare (to) go on (their) way (ie away). Sám chooses excellent animals for them,
brœðrum, ok mæla til fullkominnar vináttu með sér ok 665
both brothers, and (they) speak of (express a wish for) complete friendship among themselves and
allgóðir vinir. Ríða nú rétta leið vestr í fjörðu ok koma
part very good friends. (The brothers) ride now a direct route west into (the West)fjords and arrive
heim í
Þorskafjörð með virðingu. En Sámr setti Þorbjörn niðr
home in Thorskafjorð with honour. But Sám settled Thorbjörn down
Leikskálum. Skyldi hann þar búa. En kona Sáms fór til
at Leikskalar. He should reside there. But Sám´s wife went to
bús með honum á Aðalból ok býr Sámr þar um hríð.
(the) farm with him at Athalból and Sám resides there for a time.
Grammar notes:
Þeir þeir: (pron) nom pl They
leiða leiða: (v) 3p pres ind lead
nú now
hestinn hestr: (n) acc sg the stallion
ofan down
eptir along
vellinum. völlr: (n) dat sg the flat.
Einn einn: (pron) nom sg A certain
hamarr hamarr: (n) nom sg crag
stendr standa: (v) 3s pres ind stands
niðr down
við by
ána, á: (n) acc sg the river,
en but
fyrir in
framan front
hylr hylr: (n) nom sg pool
djúpr. djúpr: (adj) nom sg deep.
Þar there
leiða leiða: (v) 3p pres ind lead
þeir þeir: (pron) nom sg they
nú now
hestinn hestr: (n) acc sg the stallion
fram forward
á to
hamarinn. hamarr: (n) acc sg the crag.
Þjóstarssynir Þjóstarssonr: (n) nom pl Thjóstar´s sons
drógu draga: (v) 3p past ind drew
fat fat: (n) acc sg bag
eitt einn: (pron) acc sg a certain
á over
höfuð höfuð: (n) acc sg ? head
hestinum, hestr: (n) dat sg (of) the stallion,
taka taka: (v) 3p pres ind take
síðan afterwards
hávar hár: (adj) acc pl tall
stengr stöng: (n) acc pl poles
ok and
hrinda hrinda: (v) 3p pres ind push
hestinum hestr: (n) dat sg the stallion
af off
fram, forward,
binda binda: (v) 3p past ind tie
stein steinn: (n) acc sg stone
við by
hálsinn háls: (n) acc sg the neck
ok and
týndu týna: (v) 3p past ind lost
honum hann: (pron) dat sg him
svá. so.
Heitir heita: (v) 3s pres ind Is called
þar there
síðan afterwards
Freyfaxahamarr. Freyfaxahamarr: (n) nom sg Freyfaxahamarr (Freyfaxi´s Crag).
Þar There
ofan down
frá from (there)
standa standa: (v) 3p pres ind stands
goðahús goðahús: (n) nom pl priest buildings
þau, þau: (pron) nom pl those
er which
Hrafnkell Hrafnkell: (n) nom sg Hrafnkel
hafði hafa: (v) 3s past ind had
átt. eiga: (v) pp owned.
Þorkell Þorkell: (n) nom sg Thorkel
vildi vilja: (v) 3s past ind wanted
koma koma:
(v) �
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